SPS DAO Treasurer Application


This is femisapiens and I am applying to be one of the DAO multisig treasurers for the following reasons..

I love Splinterlands passionately and have played Ranked every single day since stumbling into the splinterworld three years ago.

Although not a whale, I do have a lot of (albeit not enough) cards, plus far more land than I should, and want to do my part in helping support the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

As a bitcoin maximalist I was mining (and spending) btc since 2009 and strongly support the idea set around decentralised, better money.

I am a strong supporter of DAOs in general and the Splinterlands DAO in particular, and this move is an important step forward in terms of making our DAO stronger and better equpped to handle its role.

Nothing would make me prouder than to play a small but useful part in helping the evolution of the game and its primary token.

My account holds in excess of 290,000 staked SPS.

My EVM address is 0x4d740dB5b4E20309739fF129D30B0f7451c3CAc8

I also own a Ledger, and am waiting on the new Stax wallet as soon as it comes out.

Although not as well known as some of my co-applicants, I am very interactive in our Discord and am always happy to answer questions there or below in the comments space.

Thank you for considering me.

I have been asked to state that I am happy to be kyc'd, which I am.

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