SPS Governance Proposal - Implement a Max Base Production Limit for Land Plots in Phase 1.5


This proposal, if approved, would implement a maximum limit of 100,000 (100k) base production on a single land plot in land phase 1.5. Please note that this maximum limit would be on base production only - before the application of any boosts or bonuses - and will NOT apply to Runi. 100k was chosen because it is the maximum base production of any single card (max level alpha gold foil legendary), making it the lowest limit possible without preventing any cards from reaching their max production potential.

This means that the maximum possible total production for a single land plot in phase 1.5, including all of the maximum possible bonuses, would be 660,000 (660k) production per hour. This amount is calculated as follows:

110,000 base production from worker cards (100k + 10% max terrain bonus) plus an additional 10k base production from a Gold Foil Runi, for a total base production of 120,000 (120k). Then we apply the following maximum available boosts:

  • 100% for Legendary rarity land plot
  • 100% for Magical or Occupied land (assuming the workers are working on research or SPS mining respectively)
  • 100% Runi boost
  • 100% Legendary Totem boost
  • 50% Legendary Title boost

This gives us a total boost of 450%, which, on top of the 120k base production gives a total production of 660k per hour.

Without the proposed 100k limit, the maximum base production on a single land plot before any boosts or bonuses would be 510,000 (510k), and with maximum boosts that would give a maximum possible total production of 3,080,000 (3.08M) per hour.

This is more than 500 times what I expect to be the average production across all land plots, which, in my opinion, is FAR too much. It would allow a small handful of players to completely dominate research and SPS mining in phase 1.5, which I expect might create a very negative first experience in the land expansion for 99% or more of the participants.

For the few players who would actually be able to even hit this limit, I urge you to consider two things. First, the amount of production generated by all cards in the game will remain the same, and the older gold foil cards will still be the absolute best and most efficient way to generate production on land.

Even if someone has 100 cards with 1k production each, for a total of 100k production (equal to a max level alpha GF legendary card) they would still need 20 legendary magical or occupied plots as well as 20 of all of the other max boost items to equal the total production of that one single card with one set of max boosts. The fact that the older, rarer cards can pack that much production into a single land plot with a single set of boost items still makes them by far the best way to generate production on land, and this proposal does not change that.

Second, I know that those of you with large collections of the older cards are here for the long term, and as far as the long term value of those cards goes, the overall success of the land expansion is vital as that is the primary utility driver for those cards. The more players who participate in the land expansion, the more fun and competitive it will be overall, and the more likely it will be that some of them will seek out the older cards on the market in order to improve their production. That's why it is so important that the land economy is well balanced and can't be dominated by a small number of players.

I should note that, had I thought this through more ahead of time, I would have definitely added in this max production limit to the initial whitepaper and we wouldn't even be discussing it here. As it stands, however, we felt that we did not want to make this type of significant change to the published whitepaper without the support of the community, and I hope that the community will support what I feel is an essential change.

Finally, please note that this proposal applies only to land phase 1.5 as described in the whitepaper here and that future phases may or may not contain production limits, as well as having many other changes, based on what the designers feel will create the best overall product to drive the most value to the ecosystem over the long term.

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