SPS Governance Proposal - Change the Threshold for Passing the Pre-Proposal Stage


I propose that the threshold for an SPS governance proposal to pass the pre-proposal stage and be put to an official vote should be changed to require only that 5% or more of the total currently staked SPS vote for it (currently around 28M SPS). This would mean that it would no longer be possible to vote against a proposal in this stage.

The reasoning behind proposing this change is that the pre-proposal period is meant to be a time where a proposal can be put in front of the community and the author can gather feedback and make changes before going to an official vote, as well as to filter out any obviously ridculous or very unpopular proposals. It is NOT meant to be a way for opponents of a proposal to be able to stop it from going to an official vote.

The majority of the active, voting SPS stake only sees proposals once they get to the official vote stage, and in my opinion every reasonable proposal should have the opportunity to go to an official vote and be put in front of all active SPS stakeholders.

The official vote is the time when the proposal will be 100% finalized and the time when opponents have the opportunity to voice their stake against it. I believe that it is unfair to the nearly 2/3 of active staked SPS holders who don't follow the pre-proposals for reasonable proposals to be shot down before they even get a chance to officially vote on them.

Based on a review of all of the past pre-proposals, it seems that 5% of staked SPS (about 28M) is a good threshold that indicates that proposals are reasonable and have enough support to warrant an official vote, which is why it was chosen. If approved, this change will go into effect immediately after the official vote ends for both new and existing, active proposals in the pre-proposal state.

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