SPS Governance Proposal - Update Minimum Rental Price from .1 DEC to 1 DEC


The Proposal

The purpose of this proposal is to increase the minimum Rental Price of a card from .1 DEC to 1 DEC. I suggest the 1 DEC floor because it is equivalent to the Listing Fee for putting a card up for Rent.

If this proposal passes, I believe it will have two primary effects on the Splinterlands Economy:

  1. It will help reduce the Bot Horde by increasing the Rental Costs associated with them by 10X

  2. It will help make Rentals more Profitable. Any card rented one time, will be a profitable venture for Card Renters:

With the current 1 DEC Listing Fee and a new Floor Price of 1 DEC, if a card is rented only once in a sixty day period for the two day minimum, it will return 2 DEC. With the current system, a card must be rented out for 10/60 Days to reach a breakeven amount.

Timeframe of Proposal Implementation

Should this Proposal Pass, I would like to see the Floor Price increase on the Maintenance that occurs following our next Town Hall. This should allow the Team ample time to prepare and an opportunity to talk about it before it takes effect.

In addition I would like to see a timeframe of 60 Days (1 Rental Cycle) for all current rentals to stay in place. I do not believe it would be fair to those who just listed cards to be forced to pay another Listing Fee, especially if they're renting out Heatsmiths and the like.

However, after the 60 Day Window expires, ALL CARDS on the Rental Market that are listed at < 1 DEC, WILL BE REMOVED AUTOMATICALLY.

This would prevent Rentals at .1 DEC from lingering and unfairly undercutting the new Rentals following the updated Floor Price of 1 DEC.

If this section were NOT to be implemented, it would nullify the entire point of the Proposal. Bots would simply continue to Rent the .1 DEC Cards indefinitely.

Additional Context

I believe this will have a few additional effects on the market as well including:

A. Increasing the value of the "Playable Cards"

B. Due to "unrentable" cards no longer flooding the market - there should be a reduction in overall Transactions for Rentals but with an overall increase in RoA% for those that are worth renting! This will benefit everyone by reducing Server Load.

For those saying it will hurt Rentals... Let me use my collection of Max Level RF Heatsmiths, Conjurers, Deceivers and other Max Level RF Reward Cards as an example. They currently are NOT listed for Rent and should this pass, they shall continue to sit on the shelf unrented.

Why are they not Listed for Rent??? My Max Level RF Venari Heatsmiths, Gargoya Lions and others (Commons/Rares/Epics) went 60 Days without renting AT ALL at the .1 DEC Floor and were delisted automatically for failure to rent.

Therefore, if they are not renting at .1 DEC, this proposal won't change anything or hurt these rentals.

In conclusion, we must remember the business expression: "A race to the bottom benefits no one".

Please see my original draft here for more of my thoughts on this matter:


Thank you for reading my SPS Proposal, I truly believe this will benefit everyone! I hope you agree and will vote according. I look forward to the discussion below.

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

[Proposal paid for by CaptainDingus]

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