New Hive Game! Earn Your Splinterlands Giveaway by Defeating Me!


Current splinterlands giveaway prize is your choice of any Chaos Legion epicfor beating me in two out of three. You get two tries for now.

Just go to this game link

Select Start
Press Create
Select Faction and then Done

I can try to find you to play, but keep in mind I can't be there 24/7
Connect with me at discord so we can organize the match
Also, be prepared that sometimes it takes a little bit to load the game, once we get past alpha/beta obviously we hope to speed that up.

Easy Rules to the Game
Find your opponents building to win the game or defeat all of his moving pieces
A portal card destroys anything that hits it but it can't move
A building card once placed can't move
A mythic card that has the red gem beats all other cards it attacks but if it hits another mythic creature both cards die.
A rare card with a gold gem can beat uncommon cards(silver gem) and commons(black gem). If it runs into another rare both cards die.

An uncommon card(silver gem) can beat common cards(black gem). If it runs into another uncommon card both die.
A common card(black gem) can only beat wounded knights and Ryu. If it runs into another common card both die. Wounded knights can only beat a Ryu and of course if two wounded knights battle they both die
Ryu is a SPECIAL card that if it strikes a mythic first it kills it. He dies to everything else.

We are still early in the stages of this game so consider it alpha/beta

See ya on the battle field!

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