Weekly battle Challenge


This week it is dragon challenge and this are my battles

We started off with the rules Standard and 21 mana

For summoner, I went with Daria for the +1 Damage to all monster

and my line up is this


In the first rank will be the Soul Fiend. This placement is to soak up at least 2 non magic hits.

in the second rank will be Silvershield Knight to give my monster an extra +1 damage giving all monster a +2 overall damage.

In the third rank we have the Truth speaker. The one that make this build tanky.

In the 4th rank, My hardest hitting monster will be the Dhamvpir Infiltrator. I put it in the 4th position so even if the enemy have sneak or opportunity it will not hit the infiltrator first.

In 5th rank will be my cute little ram. Put it in the 5th so it will not die instantly. as they will hit Truthspeaker first with opportunity.

In the 6th rank will be Crystal Harpy. Put it last as it have flying which have an increase chance of dodging melee hits making it a great hit soaking target.

The strategy worked. Soul Fiend soaked up 2 hits as expected Truth speaker soaked up 1 opportunity hit and my Infiltrator destroyed their lineup.

Cons of this lineup

  • Any magic damage or pierce will decimate this line up as the damage go through armor.
  • If they have 3 sneak attacks they might be able to destroy you back line removing 6 damage from this lineup

What to change for the future
I can rent higher level cards to go with the level 3 Daria. which will increase speed or health making this lineup slightly more tanky.

Do you like DRAGONS? Why or why not?

I love them, especially the combo Agor with Oshuur Constantia even at level 1. With Agor void armor it can block so much damage first before touching the HP and after it died it will be revived by Oshuur regaining the 6 armor with 1hp making him a good tank.

If you get to use level 2 legendary, get a level 2 chaos dragon. it has blast and scattershot. This is good as it can go through monster with taunt and hit the backline. Against taunt with low hp Backline Chaos Dragon will decimate the backline with blast.

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