oh it’s the weekend already, weeks feeling like days. cabin fever ahoy!

Hey, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve really made any progress on my own projects, I’d kinda cut down on the daily blogging too because actually in hindsight it appears there is a bunch of life stuff to consider too. I think I’m slowly getting back in the saddle thou and realising where I can help and be of assistance.

the transition to full time working online might not be as I thought.

I always assumed that I’d just have to chip away at the days when I was focused enough to make the courses and accept that the uncreative days were just a product of balance of the time to get there but I realise in these uncertain times that there is no time like the present.

I made the noodle run this morning, it’s like the kessel run in that I’m aiming to do it as fast as possible.

The doors opened and my timer started, avoided the man with no face mask, dipped down a row, old man at the end ‘ON HIS MOBILE’ chatting away, major threat, quick fast walk, got told that ‘ONE BOTTLE’ only at the milk unit (used tissue to open the cabinet) ACQUIRED!

Sprinted across the shop top part, another lady, standing looking at a list, low key trying not to cough, potential zombie, extra peppy step into the next row, nobody there, potential for jason airbourne fuckery thou in the air as people tend to stop and look at the wine and beer, have to be quick.

Make my selection, budget, £6, it’s gonna taste like shit but hey, it’s alcohol and it’s season three of ozarks for date night.

Not sure if the wine is for breakfast and the milk is for coffee at lunch, weeks blurring into days, weekends seem like the natural extension to time now, the working week is now hours on a faceless clock with a calendar of dreams.

I mumbled through my not fit for purpose face mask, doubled up because that might effect the percentages of usefulness right (bs) ’THAT’S MY PACKAGE CAN I HAVE IT’ — ‘post office is closed’ — titwank. .. ok, no worries, I’ll be back after the weekend I thought. ..

… cut conversation short, back outside, bottle and milk in each hand, striding, pulling off face mask with pinky and putting in my leg pocket for dilation in the sunshine later, breathing deeply, a nervous girl in face mask looking like a highway robber emerges from her ‘far away from the store as possible’ car parking position.

We throw a look as if to say, props for the face mask attempt even thou we both know they are totally unsuitable, it’s the thought that counts as we gamble 50/50 on pathogen over wine beverage times.

I watched a video of a man repairing nintendo switches. He tried to fix 23 of them and ended up potentially losing month on them. I tried to look up the price of the package I was going to get my daughter for her birthday — the price had been gorged to double it’s price, now at £650 for the ‘current talk of the moment’ animal crossing edition. ..

. ..Humans are cunts.

After constructing my bacterial soap bath for my wine bottle and milk to sit in before transitioning to cold or decanted storage for later I made a cup of tea and cracked open some custard creams biscuits.

I’ll be having baked potatoes al et instant pot tonight with lashings and lashings of butter like the time travelling fuck nugget I am. life is good, brain fog is clearing, resources looking better.

How you keeping?

__humble xx

p.s — I’m working on my obs course on udemy this week, adding more parts, sharing a few parts for free via twitter and just generally trying to 5x my teaching on one platform and 10x on another — if I get there, I’ll replace all the things I need, set fire to this shanty town where I live and hit the road like a blade running mofo. Peace be with you, and always with you.

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