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One can't argue that finding your dream job can be difficult and take a lot of time. There are incredible amount of well educated individuals who experience issues finding a job. Why do you think this is so?

There are parcel of issues in the recruiting procedure and how recruiters function. Wrong incompetent individuals are in charge of hiring.

Most serious issue it that incompetent individuals are dealing with enlisting procedure and making decision. Recruiters are generally either young and inexperienced or somebody who obviously end up being employed at the wrong job. It's frequently that employers representative does not comprehend the set of working responsibilities for which he is looking candidates. This makes exceptionally disappointing circumstances for job searcher, when the enrollment specialist because of lack of knowledge can't make correct choices. Some of recruiter have unpleasant relationship building abilities and actually can't tell a contrast between an idiot and a genius.

Terrible recruiting likewise makes an issue: There is lack of skilled workers and in the sametime there are skilled job seekers who can't find a job. The purpose behind this issue is exceptionally straightforward: most enrollment specialists can't recognize skilled candidates.

So how can these issues be solved?


SpringRole is an attestation platform that wants to revolutionize the job market by eliminating the hindrances and inconveniences that are usually experienced in the employment sector. Factors such as expensive and tedious recruitment processes, unqualified recruiters, time-taking recruitment process and risks surround employment process even for applicants will be tackled using the platform that SpringRole aims to have. This requires the technical prowess that is headed by blockchain technology together with other technical features that will make SpringRole a successful platform. This article takes a look at the various technical features that are set to feature in the SpringRole platform.

Springrole’s Driving Force


This is basically the SpringRole ecosystem. This all starts with blockchain technology which makes it possible for developers to develop the SpringRole platform. Blockchain provides the decentralization, privacy and security necessary for SpringRole to function effectively. SpringRole’s protocol is built on top of the Ethereum Blockchain which allows value to be moved within the platform while also making it possible for users to own property in SpringRole. The property here is in form of their verified qualifications.

SpringRole is going to involve interactions between those in the employment sector. To make the deals made through the platform binding, the use of smart contracts will be employed. Smart contracts are a feature offered by the Ethereum blockchain although other protocols are now offering them as well. The advantage of having smart contracts in SpringRole is that they are immutable, once the contract has been made and parties have agreed to the conditions, going back on them may attract penalties based on the agreements made.

The Inter Planetary File System or IPFS is also employed in SpringRole’s platform. It provides the universality in file systems used by a platform which can be accessed through different devices. IPFS provides a formidable layer of security to the SpringRole platform. IPFS has no single point of failure which makes it difficult to hack or influence. The trust that nodes need to maintain is only with the nodes that are connected to them. However, they do not need to trust other nodes and this does not affect interactions in SpringRole. The Distributed Content Delivery in IPFS saves bandwidth and prevents DDoS attacks thus IPFS provides much needed security.

SpringRole uses a technical feature knows as Civic in its platform as well. This is essential for SpringRole as it deals directly with identity verification. Background checks right from scratch for new institutions will be unnecessary as through Civic, secure and low-cost access of data submitted to SpringRole will be made possible.
TestRPC is a node testnet tool necessary for development of nodes. It is useful during the early stages of contract development and testing how they will work in the main platform. It acts as a great substitute for the real Ethereum network simulating behavior that is likely to be experienced by the node in the Ethereum platform.
Infura provides secure, stable and safe Ethereum nodes. SpringRole has the option of offloading the running of Ethereum nodes to Infura while the SpringRole team focuses on development of the platform. Infura acts as an able aid to SpringRole which makes it a beneficial feature in the long run.
Web3 is the last technical component of the SpringRole platform that this article is going to explore. Web3 is the Ethereum compatible JavaScript API implementing the JSON RPC spec.

Ready to serve
SpringRole has the capability to meet the demands of the employment sector. With the technologies it has in its ecosystem, SpringRole can change employment for the better. SpringRole provides more insight on this through their website and platform linked below.


Author Jentemi

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