On the wild side - #spreadthemetal challenge

A couple of days ago I was tagged by my sweet @honeydue to do the #spreadthemetal challenge. As it happened, I had other posts on my mind, but I did not forget about the challenge. One simply doesn’t ignore @honeydue!
I’m not much into sharing the music I love, because that’s a bit too personal, but since it is for the good cause of spreading the love for this music I have to do it.

My preferences are already clearly stated on my blog page, so it won’t be a surprise if the first song I’d like you to listen to - and I really mean listen! - is Motorhead - ‘In The Year of the Wolf’. Oh, don’t forget to turn the volume up. All the way! Once you’re done, you can go on and listen to the whole album, ‘Inferno’.

Since I’ve mentioned wolves, here is something else. Swedish band Amon Amarth - ‘Father of the Wolf’.
If Motorhead is religion to me, Amon Amarth falls under the ‘love at first sight’ category. (And I don’t mean the guys in the band, although they are gorgeous.) I had the opportunity to see them in concert in Bucharest and I can only hope they’ll be back soon. Before listening to the song, you might want to check out the lyrics - helps a lot, plus you get the chance to brush up your Norse mythology knowledge.

After two wolf-related songs, why not a third?. Something very old (1969), I haven’t listened to in a long while, but, as I was saying in another pos,t no music I have loved at some point is ever lost. Here it is - Steppenwolf - ‘Born to be Wild’.

Now that I’ve shared some of the songs I like, I’d like to challenge the most amazing @deirdyweirdy, who has recently written about her music days, to tell us about some of her favorites. (Please! Pretty please!)
I must be off now - taking the little one to a class, which means, for me, one hour and a half of music! I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the guy who invented earphones! You rock!

This #spreadthemetal challenge was initiated by @verhp11. You rock, too!

Thanks for reading


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