Some badass music for your enjoyment

I had already started compiling this post of mine where I collect a few badass songs when I noticed @honeydue doing a contest entry under the tag #spreadthemetal. She didn't tag me to the challenge, but I thought I might as well post this under the tag, because well, the songs fit, and the rules didn't state anything about the amount of songs one can put under a post.

Use the hashtag #spreadthemetal
Challenge at least one Steemian
Resteem this post (not necessarily but would be nice)
Enjoy all the music
Comment at least at the people you challenge :)

So, if you're about to go move a mountain, preparing for a battle against Goliath, or just trying to grow your balls enough to tell your boss how much you really hate your job, you should be able to benefit from these.

The first one is Amarillo Sleeps on My Pillow by Fair to Midland. This group has a pretty unique sound, I would say, from influences ranging from rock, metal, folk and country – sound that really appeals to me. Unfortunately the group broke up in 2013 and hasn't produced anything since.

Fuck man, the vocals here – it sounds like the singer's trapped soul is trying to violently rip off of his body to eradicate its suffering.

Earthside is one of those accidental discoveriers as a result of a Youtube wormhole, and judging by the comments, its the same case for many others.

They have a very dreamy atmospheric vibe – sometimes almost like post-rock – in their songs, but at the same time they have the beef of metal influence in there. They are an instrumental group actually, but they have several songs featuring with some incredible vocal performances.

They also had a real orchestra featured on the album, hell,

Just listen the whole album.

It's good stuff.

The brainchild of Wintersun – Jari Mäenpää – describes the band's music as "Extreme Majestic Technical Epic Melodic Metal" [source]. I mean, can it get any more badass than that?

The description sounds kinda over the top. Well, it's not. If there's anything that would make me want to cling on to arbitrary national identities – specifically to my Finnish one – here on this Earth, it would be only because of this band.

The group is kinda unique because a while ago they had a crowdfunding to gather funds for their own studio (they ended up raising over 420,000€!). Upon contributing 50€ towards their campaign, you got their newest album, Forest Seasons, and the remastered files of their Time I album and bunch of other stuff too, like isolated tracks of the songs. Although it was all digital – no physical albums – it's not a bad deal at all to support them directly and actually get something back for it immediately, on top of the (hopefully soon) coming future albums from their studio. As to answer the guestion of 'why they "have to" build their own one', I think it's because of some problems with record companies.

So far this has been the only crowdfunding I've been part of – I mean let the man provide his vision in appropriate setting for god sake! Just listen what he can do!

Somebody described this song being like a heavy tuned muscle car. I find the description fitting.

Strapping Young Lad I actually found just recently because of the vocalist, Devin Townsend and his newer band, Devin Townsend Project. The dude's one goofy-ass motherfucker and a damn fine vocalist, especially nowadays.

Gojira might be a bit more well known band on this list, but the song's just damn good. Listening the intro gather around a bonfire and do some primal ritual dance with stomping my feet on the ground.

@honeydue introduced us to a band from Romania (her home country) singing in their native tongue? (I assume), so I thought I'd do the same and give you Stam1na that sings in my own native tongue, Finnish. They have a lot of songs I wanted to show, but went with this one, because of the 'kick ass effect'.

Roughly translated, the name of the song is Emeperor's new demands, and the lyrics concern about the intolerance of a critic that gets punished. Some people say that the band wrote it in the context of the band saying "fuck you" to music industry, but the meaning of the lyrics does have some further implications too, like with the censorship of media going on today.

Here's a translation I found:

A naked critic was made to march down the street
Scarred, tattooed, but singing up straight

Even children are spitting, inflicting shame
He is sweating and climbing the hill up like a horse in front of the sleigh
A maniac on his heels, a dog humping his leg
They pull entertainment out of that sight like hairs from a head

Ruler is demanding
A punishment for the criticism
A censorship, a banishment
for the sickness of the singer
Disgrace as a cure
Fames are undressed
New demands of the ruler

Wags a finger at the ruler
Prisoner's stocks and shackles are shaken off like dandruff
Sings his end at the public pyre
even though was pointing a finger only at his mirror

Was loaded with millstones
Was drowned in the depths
Not even a thanks anymore
The criticism isn't allowed to live


Oh yeah, I was supposed to nominate someone. Hmm... @kryptik, I think you could have something to share?

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