Spotlight Writing Contest FINALS - Vote to award the top author 10,000 SP for 1 Week!

Welcome to the final vote for Spotlight Writing Contest #1. Users who submitted entries will have 24 hours to gather as many "vote" comments as they can. The winner of the contest will be the user with the most votes after 24 hours.

  • Any comment with the word vote in it = +1
  • Votes that fall off the comment chain cannot be counted unless the voter provides context to which submission they are voting for.

Vote to Help Your Favorite Writer Get Elevated!

How to Vote:

1. Read the Top 3 Article Submissions

2. Comment "Vote" in reply to the article that deserves to win!

3. Tell Others to Vote aswell / Share on Facebook & Twitter

4. Stay Tuned to the End of the Contest to see who wins!

Our Sponsors

A huge thank you to @picokernel for providing our MVP project prize pool.

Want to sponsor a contest? Contact @spotlight on Discord

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Please review every entry before voting.

1. "THE TRAP OF BEAUTY" (Original Article)

Spotlight Member: @himshweta Voted into the Spotlight by: 102 Steemians

I have been a victim of this trap of beauty and I believe, each and every person have been through this. In fact, looks are such an important criteria that it is always on a person's mind, after their childhood is left behind. We never cared for our looks when we were small. Did we?
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2. The Annual Calendar Pemon

Spotlight Member: @rdelgadop Voted into the Spotlight by: 74 Steemians

The indigenous peoples of America have always been classified as backward in relation to the other civilizations of the World. But in the aspect of the times, we have had elements that have characterized us as a vanguard for others...
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Spotlight Member: @honourmaus Voted into the Spotlight by: 36 Steemians

Something I discovered lately is that corruption is now a universal problem, to me I'll not even want to go about it has a universal problem rather I live to call it a disease that is hard to cure.
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Please Vote for only one entry in the comments below.

@Spotlight Art Contest Begins Tomorrow ~


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