Sports and School system.


We all may have to approve the necessity of sports in our school system. It's more than just the physical activity. Sports relates to our self-esteem, mental ability and many more. That's why it should be mandatory to sports in every school. Yeah, most of the school includes sports in their curriculum. But this is not a common scenario around the world. You may see the opposite actually in many developing or under developed countries.

The first concern is sports in included in the school system but it is not mandatory to take part. It's still like an optional thing. So many students does not participate for different reason, specially girl child. They does not get support from their family and so. Many athletes do better academically during their school time. Or vice versa.

And I think the sports materials are also not available around the world. Running a sports needs money, coach, arrangements, place ie. So all school does not afford this. This is a major concern. Many organization is working on this to make sports material available to every child.

But besides those two issues, there are another growing concern. Parents does not see sports as a necessary item. So the kids does not get much encouragements and support from their family. You will get to see many child drops out from sports for this reason though they were good it it.

Playing a sport requires a lot of time and energy. It's a great way to increase positive energy of kids. Also they can be more social, more healthy, stay out of any addiction and have a good mental health. Another great benefits of sports is it teaches teamwork and problem-solving skills. You can observe who actively involved in different sports during their childhood can do better in their life. Okay, may be not in terms of finance but in terms of handling self-esteem.

You may say that education is not an available thing all over the world, nor even food, so how come sports can be? Yeah, it's true. But if we can ensure the basics one we should focus on the second part-sports. This is all to build a better next generation.

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