How Bout Dem DakBoyz!


I've been a Cowboys fan most of my life, but I'm an enigma; because I was born and raised in New York and no I'm not a Yankee fan. I'm a Mets, Cowboys and Knicks fan in that order. I show love to the Tampa Rays, because I've been in Central Florida for over 10 years now and not hating on the Nets, because they are now in Brooklyn (where I am was born and raised specifically).

To say I'm excited that we finally got the Dak signing done is an understatement. Is it for too much money? - heck yes! But let's face it, another team would have done it and why not Jerry Jones?

It will hamstring the organization eventually, but without Dak last season we were toast. Horrible. Yes, the coaching was bad, Zeke did not produce and Gallup was underused (at least in my opinion). We neglected staying the course on the progression of our defense and took a huge step back.

With all that said, I will always like our chances with Dak behind center.


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