Manny Pacquiao's Retirement

  Hi Guys,   

Can we have a talk about Manny Pacquiao and his fight yesterday against Keith Thurman? After seeing the fight yesterday, don’t you think that it is now the right time for Manny to consider retirement? I mean his movements, his power and speed. I think it’s no longer as effective as he was younger. Maybe it’s the right time for him to enjoy the rest of his life out from boxing career. Enjoying his wealth and doing the public service as he is entrusted with the position of a senator by the Filipino people. Anyway, without a doubt he has already proven the world about his strength and gave unmeasurable pride to the Philippines being the only man in the history who managed to become an 8 divisions world champion. Come on, I’ll be so glad to entertain any comment, opinion and reaction. Thank you for reading.  

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