My experience with the volleyball statistics - Data Collection

Data Collection

The first point to keep in mind was how I could take the data of the match in an agile way and through the video that we recorded in each of the matches.

To take data of final actions or of all actions?
The final actions give us a value of the relative effectiveness of our players, for example, if we have a finisher who has finished 10 balls, made a point and the rest has not managed to finish the game will give us an unreal value of their game, while if we analyze all the plays we can see the real effectiveness of our player.

For this I defined a series of actions and data that would help me to take data quickly and be able to analyze all the data we want.

The data I took into account are as follows:
EQUIPMENT - A or B, normally we will see only our team, so it will be a value A, if we wanted we could keep statistics of the whole match, although it would take a lot of expertise and patience.

  • A - Attack
  • R - Reception
  • C - Placement
  • B - Blocking
  • D - Defence
  • S - Serve
  • ERROR - Unforced error
    Nº - Player who performs the action
    ZONE - Zone in which the action is performed or to which the action is performed.
  • A - Line (L), Diagonal (D), Finta (FI), Fondo (F), Block (B)
  • C - Zone to which the placement is sent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6)
  • B - Locking zone (2, 3 or 4)
  • S - Zone to which the serve is sent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6)
    QUALITY - Quality of the defence or reception action
    0 - Reception or defense failure that generates a point for the opposing team.
    1 - Bad Reception/Defense that does not allow play
    2 - Bad reception/defense allowing play by wings with very high ball.
    3 - Medium reception/defense within the front zone allowing "comfortable wing play".
    4 - Perfect Reception/Defense that allows play in the center zone.
    1/0 - Final Action
    1 - Point generated
    0 - Failed action that generates a point for the opposing team
    • The player 13 of team A performs a reception of quality 4 (it is allowed to play a first half).

• Team A's player 9 makes a diagonal attack and scores a point. In the previous line of the taking of data it could be verified that the placement went to zone 4.

Example complete rally
image.png- Player #13 makes a bad reception that sends the ball to the opponent's field.

  • Player 2 makes a defense that allows play behind the attack zone.
  • The player nº10 sends a placement to zone 4.
  • Team A's player 9 makes a diagonal attack and scores a point. In the previous line of the taking of data it could be verified that the placement went to zone 4.

With the data collection will allow us to "play" with the values and get all the necessary data for the analysis of the aspects of game that interest us:

  • Reception
  • Block
  • Attack
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