The Buddy Obstacle run - Beat Batten

Today was the Buddy obstacle Run in Zutphen. This run was organised for chartity, for the foundation "Beat Batten" . Batten is terrible kids metabolic disorder . It reveals itself between the fifth and eight year of life. Sympthoms are a quick decrease of sight which leads to total blindness. Kids are getting problems with their motor skills, getting epileptic and lose the ability to communicate. Childeren suffering from Batten death averaged between 15 and 25. Till now there is still no cure of treatment possible.

This run was special in two ways, the revenue is totally for the foundation and they had prepared a parcours for kids with Batten so they could join the run with their parents , sisters, brothers or friends.
It was a special occasion...

My oldest son participated with our neighbour and his two sons. The weather was great and the atmosphere even better. The solidarity was awesome and it was great to see those kids having such a great time and just forget the situation they are in for a minute...

The began with a warming up. The devided all the contesters in smaller groups to avoid a big crowd at the obastacles, I thought it was clever.


The parcour went criss cross trough the woods and in the outlands of Zutphen. We were by foot, so I couldn't follow them to make photo's along the way..


After the warming up the left for the start. The first obstacle was at the start.



while they were running there was a lot of entertainment on the terrain. It was a great atmosphere although I already thought it was very hot, and I even haven't run.


After about an hour they were comming in again, they had to take the last obstacle, it was a big slide down into the water, but first the had to go trough the bassin befor the could go up the big stairs.



on top of the slide they took their foto moment ;) , and of the went....




And again I am proud of this fellow, he did his best for charity and put an great performance..
We call him "Sporty Spike" :)


We enjoyed ourselves very much, it was very well organised and it was great to see so many devoted people...

Have a great sunny day

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