MLB Daily Sports Fantasy at NoLimitSportsFantasy

Yesterday was a winning day for me both at my favorite DFS site and where I play cash, Fanduel. But you can always learn and critic yourself and I was actually disappointed somewhat.

Nelson Cruz, who hit 2 dingers was in my pool of good plays and I had him on Fanduel where I won all my cash contests.

But I didn't have him on my entries on NoLimit site, why? When I tried to include him, he was listed in a different position so he didn't fit my lineup. Laziness got into me and I just included other players in my "good play" pool instead of trying to move players around 😒 Isn't that what the Utility position is for, for moving players around? (I'm talking to myself here). Well, lesson learned. Next time I will spend more time, or maybe go against my principle of using one lineup? Let's see.

Anyway, I still won some but could've placed better. 

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