Professional sports wastful, stupid and a huge distraction

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With the Super Bowl right around the corner, it came to mind that a post should be done about the insanity of sports that has swept the globe.

I have never enjoyed watching sports on the TV aka brainwashing box and it is hard for me to understand how people can be so fanatical about sports.

Some people practically have a cult like obsession with their sports team and will throw a fit if the opposing side wins but for me a can care less which side wins in the Super Bowl or any other major sporting event.

The Super Bowl has become a holiday in the USA where people set aside time and buy lots of junk food to consume well they watch brutes chase each other around and throw a ball from one place to another.
There are so many people who have been infected with this sports fanaticism that it is just another indicator that this generation is the dumbest generation yet.

There is no debate that we live in the age of idiocy and that the majority has thrown common sense down the drain.
This level of stupidity that we live in is because of the public education abomination and the controlled media that is dumbing down people as much as possible.

More respect could be given to pro sports if the sports actually accomplished something more than wasting billions of dollars and countless hours of time.
If instead of throwing a ball around they planted trees, built houses or did other useful activities and turned those into a sport than it would be something that we could be supportive of.

This brings to mind the time that we had a race to see who could pick up the most apple drops and the winner would get a prize.

The reason that apple drops should be picked up is that if they are not pests will use the fallen apples as a place to produce more pests. When the apple drops are picked up the general idea is that the totally rotten apples are tossed into one bucket and the other apples are put into another bucket.

After all the apples are picked up off the ground, they are sorted into cider apples that will be pressed and other apples that are fine to keep for other uses.
Much more detail could be put into the processing of apples but that is for another time.

There are many dimensions to the ways that sports are being used by the New World Order.

Sports are a huge distraction that are used to keep people focused on one thing and keep them from looking into the things that truly matter. They create lots of drama in the sports world as another way to keep people hooked up and obsessed.

Sports have become filled with hardcore NWO conditioning and programming that may not be obvious to the untrained mind but if you look deeper you will see many layers of programming.

When a lot of people watch sports they do not want to be bombarded with politics and other things that they are trying to escape from and just watch the sport but today they politicize everything.

Something else that is disturbing is that they have lots of illness awareness propaganda in sports and they have all kinds of different colors for this cancer and that cancer and this disease and that disease.

Some people will think that raising awareness for cancer is a good thing but the sad truth is that they are just conditioning you into the fate that they have planned for you.

After being so exposed to cancer awareness propaganda you will be less shocked if someone around you gets cancer and if you happen to get cancer you will already be prepared for it and will accept it as something that is just a fact of life.

They have a great desire to depopulate the planet and this is being accomplished by the toxic food, toxic chemicals, LGBT agenda, cellphone radiation and the constant anti family propaganda pushed by the controlled media.

The medical cabal is very amendment about suppressing any true cures for cancer and has eliminated anyone that challenges the cancer racket too much.
They only permit their toxic chemotherapy scam and other big pharma benefiting quackery as solutions to cancer.

A recent example of professional sports being used for the agenda of the New World Order is the #TakeAKnee bullshit divide and conquer distraction.
Standing for the national anthem is nothing to be celebrated but taking a knee is a masonic ritual.

Being proud of the fraud impostor government that controls the USA is part of the deception and you should be opposed to the psychopathic monsters that hijacked the world and are destroying the world though the US government.

Most sports are played on a rectangular playing field but baseball is strange in that it is played on a baseball diamond which is in fact a masonic square and compass.
A lot of the potions and poses in baseball are part of masonic initiation rituals.

Some of the most famous players in baseball history have been Freemasons.

These include Ty Cobb, Cy Young and others.

Walter Camp the father of American football was a member of 3 different secret societies the most famous being Skull and Bones.

The inventor of basketball James Naismith was worshipful master in Freemasonry.

Shaquille O’Neal the basketball superstar is a proud Prince hall Freemason.

Shaq has also played a role in proliferating the flat earth pysop by making jokes about the flat earth.
Kyrie Irving has also participated in the flat earth psyop.

Flat earth has swept the internet in recent years and it is the latest insane pysop by the powers that be to make people who believe in conspiracy facts look like morons that think the earth is flat and that we live in an alternative reality that is being altered by CERN.

From flat earth being proliferated everywhere if you start to bring up some conspiracy facts to people about agenda 2030, 9/11, vaccines or chemtrails they will likely say are you a flat earther? and mock you for being stupid.
Flat earth and the Mandela effect are to make people look really dumb.

If you go on Google trends you, will see that if you type in flat earth there was just a flat line and then right around January 2016 it skyrocketed and went mega viral.

There is hardcore shilling behind the flat earth pysop and there are around 20 core people on YouTube that do flat earth full-time.

Going on YouTube you will find that almost a dozen flat earth live shows are going on at a time.
There are two flat earth shows that seem to go 24/7.
It is insanity how much flat earth bullshit is put out!

The elite is desperate to sink any real resistance to their New World Order, so they have filled the so-called truth movement with boatloads of agents and shills to put out endless amounts of lies and attack any legit people.

We are not and never have been a part of the “TRUTH” movement which is basically controlled opposition that should really be called the disinfo movement.

If you see YouTube channels or websites with the word “TRUTH” in it you should be very suspicious since the word truth has been totally hijacked.

Professional sports are just another tool of the NWO to condition program and manipulate people into the many agendas that they want accomplished.
Pro sports are also just a huge of waste of time that could be put to use doing useful things that truly benefit people.

We are not against people having fun and playing sports but the culture that has been created around them is toxic. It is fine and good to go in the back yard and play some sports with your kids or friends.

Just like Hollywood we must reject the mind-control they subject us to in pro sports.

Reject all the fake culture of the New World Order and you will be much better off and far more happy.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2018
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