theLEAGUEFEED: PDC US MASTERS in Las Vegas (Darts) The Finals

PDC US MASTERS The Final's Analysis


Let's paint the picture leading into the final... My previous blow by blow of the Quarters and Semis

And to further touch up the details, remember this Tournament was held in the US.

What does that mean?

  • The crowd's were very American. The all out mayhem of long tables and sloshing beer was sorely missing. The signs were more like tweets than 'punny' and the costumes were at best, enough to get you into the Halloween party but not even close to getting you noticed or nominated for 'best'. Neither an excuse for North Americanism, not a condemnation. I have witnessed the same dis-junction when watching American Football played in Europe. It just feels like you are being walked down a North Korean city street where the corners don't quite match up close, but the appearance from farther back looks deceptively kosher.
  • Love the fact that we had coverage here in the states! Thank you Fox Sports. If the ratings look promising, could you maybe bring in some English producers familiar with PDC events? Maybe plant some crazies here and there, understand what you are looking for in a cutaway? Sex it up guys with long tables and drunk singing and let's sell this product!
  • Finally, I NEED to say this. (Don't want to, but it must be done)... The level of products advertised was not up to par with the image the PDC and Fox (hopefully) are trying to project to their target demographic. Dear PDC, demand a better time placement or find an alternative outlet on a smaller cable network who aligns with the audience you are courting. Image is everything. If your are trying to reach the AM coffee crowd, would you hang out at the corner liquor store at 3am? One word-- Instaflex. WTF?!? Why not bring on Dentugrip as the tour's main sponsor? How much thought would it take, PDC, to require a certain amount of sponsor ads supporting the adult social sports league industry be carried by the network who airs this? Think of a Unicorn Darts ad followed by a league software spot and a social app for where your friends are (playing). If you want to build a following in this market, use the right building material for your foundation or you'll sink...

##Alright, now for some unconventional coverage of the MATCH! Michael van Gerwen vs Daryl Gurney
To start off, I could not get this picture out of my head. If Gurney shaved his head and threw on a yellow darter shirt, I would have a tough time telling the two of them apart.
Note to Self--Must remember to mark my calendar for that eye exam.
This match just comes at you toe to toe! Big checkouts, testosterone infused growls and screams at the camera, crushing 180's. Now if someone would just lean over and take a bite out of an ear and we would have an actual heavyweight bout. "I'll eat your children!"
long slow deep breaths
A couple of legs in MVG misses an out. And then another one. And the crowd starts chanting USA. This is kind of odd due the fact that neither player is from the US and are from countries most Americans think fondly of: The Netherlands and Ireland. Not sure where the spectators were going with that, but it did fuel Gurney who toed the oche and made it 3-2.
The announcers keep talking about the brand new Mustang on the podium next to the competitors and how Gurney is a big car lover. Yup, I'm sure that's what he's playing for...
MVG on the other hand still looks calm and composed. There is not a hint of nerves about him. God, he is a force to be reckoned with.
In the 9th leg, the Chin's (Gurney) began to throw some soft darts. The Dutchman just kept coming and by the 10th leg, the clinic began. The Irishman's misses were over an inch out (sloppy sloppy, tssk tsssk)on a fairly regular basis. And where a lesser opponent will give you some room when you are hefting some slop here and there, van Gerwen turns into some kind of hulking vampire lord sucking away your energy, all your hopes and turning it right back against you. Get back ye Evil Dutchman!
In the 12th, Super Chin tightened his focus, but it appeared too late as MVG was one leg away from the kill. Then Gurney steals the leg with a 120 finish! 7-6 and there is an excitement building...
140 start by Gurney...MVG answers 140...and right back, another ton-fourty... and MVG hits it again...
MVG gets it down to a 98 checkout and wins this slugfest... "Vere's ze keys to my Mustang?" Sorry about the horribly insensitive attempt at a foreign (Dutch?) accent

The end


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