The tyranny of bucket lists the hate  around 'all that'.

Recently I amended my bucket list and published it on Facebook - it being my bucket list and my wall I thought it was the end of it.

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But then the comments came - I am quite interactive on Facebook and I engage with friends. I went through a purge when I hit the 5000 limit, but I am still stuck with over 4000 people whom I have either met or formed a cyber friendship with. I love an online community.

The bucket list drama made me realise that at some point people are going to stop applauding SportsPodium and what we do - as we saw this past week first hand in a neighbouring country who deposed their President of nearly 40yrs - power and in the case of my bucket list, offence are seldom just given, it has to be taken.

The turning point for SportsPodium will come hand in hand with its first success - when federation toes are stepped on and athletes are benefitting via our community instead of holding the begging bowl at corrupt federations - when we really start disrupting the flow of money.

And that is exactly like being bullied. Thank heaven (I NEVER thought I would say this) I am a bully survivor so I have learnt a couple of things. Bullies are cowards. They have low self esteem which they mask as bashful confidence. Bullies are scared little cowards which is why they ALWAYS go away once you stand up to them.

So. When people give SportsPodium the middle finger and try take our proverbial lunch money and call us names - we need you to have our backs. Because when they do, we know we are a) being taken seriously and b) achieving goals. Then we need YOU to stand up and say why not have transparency? Why not reward athletes directly? Why not level the playing field? I am sure @ned had his criticism when he started Steemit.

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Our strength lies in our movement as a community. Be part of it - be proudly SportsPodium. Tell everyone in the sports world about it - tell your community newspaper and let them email me on and let's spread the word - hell, if you are working for the New York Times contact me too.

So just for laughs - here is my bucket list. Give us your sports bucket list in the comments below.

So. Bucket list revised. I want to eat another few meals at L'ambroisie in the Place des Voges in Paris one of them with my cousin Lynelle. I want to drink another good bottle of Romaneé Conti and more Château d'Yqeum and a few more after that. I want to roll on the phosphorus beaches in India with a cousin and walk on the Great Wall, I want to climb the Eiffel Tower again, read in the garden of Versailles and the Cipriani. I want to fly across an ocean in a private jet and buy a new bag at Chanel in Paris. I want to be at the Paris Olympics as an accredited SportsPodium official - I want to see the Aurora Borealis in Canada. I want to meet Justin Trudeau. Cause he is the coolest Prime Minister on earth. I want to say Robert, Jaco, Pieter and Natalie and I did a successful ICO for SportsPodium. And celebrate that. I want to stare at the Italian frescoes again, go to the Kotel and submerge myself in a mikvah in Jerusalem. I want to feel the humidity and sun of Bora-Bora on my face for as long as possible. I want to see Carmen in Bregenz. I don't want to become cynical about love, as The Desiderata says, it is perennial as the grass. I want to learn Italian and fluent Hebrew and more fluent French and retrace Lucretzia Borgia' steps in Rome. I want to eat THAT historic meal from François Mitterrand. I want another degree in something fascinating. I want a swimming lesson from Natalie du Toit. Most of all I want peace like I had as a boy. And to let the goodness in me blossom like the cherry trees in Japan.

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Nothing happens from small dreams. Dream big. And live a little. Yes, the stuff of my dreams might not be yours - but I have held multiple Olympic gold medals in my hands, I have seen my favourite athletes race and yes, there is a Chanel bag in there because I am a thoroughly, immensely proud and quite a masculine gay man. So just breathe through the bits which doesn't resonate with you. But do it with a spirit of tolerance, not hate. We are a movement and a family now. And even though we may not like everything about each other, we still stick together. Because we are SportsPodium.

Happy weekend Steemians and let's hear what's on your list.

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