Exciting chance for Steemians to get first dibs on PODS

As a user of Steemit, you have a limited chance to buy PODS for three days before the Token Sale (ICO) of SportsPodium Starts. We will give a massive discount on the value of these tokens to the Steem community, but we will limit the tokens available to $500 000 of value in Steem. This we do to be fair to the broader crypto community.

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As the SportsPodium project team, we decided to start our information sharing around the project on the Steemit platform. It is a community that our founders have been involved in since the early days after Steemit’ s launch and where we have many trusted relationships. From that perspective we decided to use Steemit as the platform we will announce ALL our news, progress and events FIRST, and we will keep on doing this leading up to the token sale, during the token sale and right through the project lifetime. Also please subscribe to our telegram group as we will be chatting a lot in the https://t.me/SportsPodiumPublic chatroom.

Besides using Steemit as a platform to inform, update and discuss our project, we intend to work with Steemit to build our blogging side of SportsPodium into Steemit. Steemit is a great blogging platform and we believe that this will give incredible value to both Steemit and SportsPodium. The mechanics and options around this is not clear right now, and we will only start working on that after our Token sale is complete.

Please note our intention to offer you as a Steem currency holder the chance to buy PODS with your Steem and Steem Dollars. We will announce more details on Monday. Remember, the whitepaper is available on our website and on Github. While this is a draft document that we will refine, it contains the key information that should enable you to decide if you want to own a few PODS.

The SportsPodium Team

Our Website https://sportspodium.io/
Telegram https://t.me/SportsPodiumPublic
GitHub https://github.com/SportsPodium/Documentation
Twitter https://twitter.com/@mysportspodium

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