WWE: Great Balls of Fire Results

Last nights PPV for the WWE was the Poorly titled Great Balls of fire event took place in Dallas Texas last night. The Main Event was the return of BROCK LESNAR vs Samoa Joe.

Match 1 (Pre-show): Neville vs Akira Tozawa

This match is exactly why fans aren't getting behind the Cruiser weight division in the WWE. First, its in the pre-show and there is no need to get emotionally invested in these matches. Besides Neville nobody else really has any character in the cruiser weight division. This match didn't seem like a title match but just a regular match that you would show for free. Neville of course won the match with some heel work. The addition of Titus as this "LavaR Ball" type Branding character has done nothing to the cruiser weights or who ever he supports. WWE needs to do something BIG to get some traction here..

Result: Neville Retains Championship
My Grade: D- (Waste of TIME)

Match 2: Bray Wyatt Vs Seth Rollins

I was surprised that this was the first match on the official card but it deserved it. The build up for this match was WEAK. Bray spit his usually speeches about being this GOD and DESTROYER of Souls... Seth the truth seeker looking to defeat Bray and show he isn't a god.. This was just a quickly put together rivalry.. A long history between these two but this seemed like a waste. The match was okay but nothing really special.. I'm a Huge Bray Wyatt fan so it was good to see him WIN A PPV MATCH.. HOLY SHIT! He actually won!!! Even though it was by a very heelish eye poke. It's hopefully a start to a string of PPV wins for Bray. As for Seth it didn't nothing really to him... I foresee a rematch on Monday Night Raw tonight.

Result: Bray Wyatt Wins!!! (HOLY FUCK THEY LET HIM WIN!!)
My Grade: C+ Very average match but good to see Bray Win

Match 3: Big Cass vs Enzo Amore

This was going to be an obvious squash match. Enzo by his self needs to be like Shawn Michael's rise in the WWE. Talented on the Mic but a push over in the ring so I didn't expect much in this match. Which I didn't get.. Big Cass dominated the match. I think he could have done more to hurt Enzo, really show he hated this man now but that never happened.. Just enough to officially split the two.

Result: Big Cass gets the easy win
Grade: C

Match 4: 30 Minute Iron Man Match - Hardy Boyz vs Sheamus and Cesaro

I was not excited at all for this match. It just seemed 30 mins for these 4 guys would be boring. I WAS WRONG. They didn't a great job on creating tension quick with a quick win for Sheamus and Cesaro. It made the match quickly interesting.. It was a very one sided match for awhile with the Heels playing the keep away tactic. Eventually though, the Hardys would tie it up 3-3 with about 90 seconds to go. In a beautifully timed series of events the heels got the win. The match was really a surprise on how well it was done and the execution by the 4 in the match. I was glad the WWE didn't give the titles back to the Hardys just yet.

Result: 4-3 Win by Sheamus and Cesaro
Grade: A

Match 5: Alexa Bliss vs Sasha Banks

Ugh one minute creative gives the females the time to shine and then the next they give them garbage. The match it self was very good. Alexa Bliss has to be the best female heel in awhile (Please make Charlotte Flair a heel again). Even tho she is one of the smallest females in the division she brings it in her matches.. Sasha Banks.. Well is Sasha Banks and brings it no matter what... But a DQ FINISH????? Really???? The action after the DQ is what made this match memorable. Sasha Banks was unhappy about the DQ finished and attacked Bliss.. Leading to a high risk spot where Banks jumped from the announcers table to the stage floor with double knees.. Bliss was about an inch away from busting her head open on the guard rails... I hope they give these two a chance to really shine.... a Ladder match would be match.. Really let them have a chance to impress.

Result: DQ <<< WTF
Grade: B

Match 6: The Miz vs Dean Ambrose
Ugh I hate this match. Ughhhhhhh I hate it so much.. I'ma keep it short.. The Miz had 3 people around the ring.. All 3 helped him retain.. WELL DUH. They make the Miz to be the biggest bitch in the company.. I mean really.. 3 people!?!?!? How am I supposed to get invested in the match?!?!

Result: Miz retains Intercontinental Championship
Grade: D+

Match 7: Braun Strowmen vs Roman Reigns

Holy Shit, a little bit slow in the beginning but towards the end they really picked it up. A very violent match and well it should be.. It's an ambulance match.. Hurt your opponent so much that you can throw them into the back of an ambulance. My one neg for this match was the finish. Braun didn't really destroy Roman to get the win. He kinda just ole'd the fuck out of Roman and Roman ran into the back of the ambulance.. Getting Braun the win.. It was the stuff afterwards that had people's attention.. Roman reappears, seeming bitter that he loss the match. Spears Braun, throws him into the back of the ambulance and drives off.... Gets to the parking lot and at full throttle reverse, backs the ambulance into another vehicle crushing Braun in the back. Roman gets out and walks away. Is this the HEEL TURN WE ALL WANT??? Eventually the Jaws of Life needed to be used to get Braun out but he hobbled his way out looked VERY BEATEN UP (Kudos to the make up people). This was really the SHOCK OF THE NIGHT and the Match of the Night just because of all the after action..

Result: Braun Wins!!
My Grade: A+ (Roman has to be a heel now... He basically just tried to murder a guy......... just saying...

Match 9: BROCK LESNAR vs Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe MADE THIS MATCH. He showed ZERO FEAR and that was a welcomed sight. Before the bell rang he attacked Brock and put him in a table. Once the match started He was on the attack most of the match. Brock showed life by taking Joe to Suplex City but Joe kept getting at Brock. Joe Kept getting his Clutch hold finisher in and it was was really making Brock look WEAK.... But in one move.... The F5 Brock picked up the win. I personally think Joe should have kicked out and Brock have to deliver another to win the Match. Either way this match brought Joe's stock in the WWE UP.. Waaaaayyyyy up. Once Brock is officially done they should put the title on Joe. He can speak for himself and is vicious enough to match the intensity that Brock has all these years. Brock is going to disappear AGAIN and get ready for the Summerslam match.. Joe... Joe needs a title.. Please give him something... SOON...

Result: Brock Lesnar retains
My Grade: A

Overall a good PPV. Very surprised on how it turned out.. Few misses early but the matches later made you forget all about them. Creative is still slipping in a few areas but hopefully they all hands on deck for Summerslam.

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