Is it fair to pit biological males against females in sporting events where prize money is involved? It's already happening and the transgenders are having a field day. I guarantee we are going to see more men in pink tennis shoes acting like women who want to claim those trophies and those prize checks.
Think about it, tennis players can earn thousands of dollars and it's been rumored for years that Serena William's is a transgendered biological male. If you've ever seen the heavy musculature on Serena's frame, one can only wonder if those rumors are true.
Now, transgender males are openly competing in women's sporting events like weightlifting and MMA where males clearly have a biological advantage. None the less, the progressive authorities that make the rules are deeming this fair play.
I feel that this is absolutely outrageous and it will only rob women of the recognition & prize money that is rightfully theirs.
Isn't that why sporting events are separated between males & females in the first place?
Understandably this is a touchy subject, but I'd like to hear your comments below.

Pictured below: Transgender Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard wins Metals at World Championship. Hubbard was a top male lifter before claiming transgender status.

I wonder who's going to win this fight?
Transgender Fallon Fox on the right.

Here Amanda Nunes gives the Shush Sign to the audience after knocking out Rhonda Rousey.

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