Why is all this ambition? Kids aren't our race horses!!!

Hey dear Steemians!
One of the easiest ways to cope with Monday morning syndrome is thinking about the past weekend. I'm sure that everyone cares for those special weekends a lot. Otherwise, Monday is waiting for us with all its gloominess. Whatever, I sure am not going to talk about the trip I went this weekend nor that I have seen a UFO. My son had a swimming contest this weekend. I sure wouldn't have thought that I'd talk about this but what I have seen there shocked me.


With the awareness of working with lots of sportsmen through my career, I have always tried to give my kids the love of sports. And I probably have succeeded.
As well as knowing what sports can do to the human body, I have witnessed the effects that it had to our souls. Only these reasons alone were enough to make someone start doing sports. Especially if this someone was a kid...

Being a dad, I've always tried to keep my kid away from the cruelty and absurdity of rivalry. Even though most of the time team games give our many good behaviors to kids like solidarity, strategic intelligence, cooperation and work sharing, in today's conditions it brings a lot of problems with itself. Rivalry, jealousy, and award stealing...


These were things I already knew, so I lead my kid to a calmer sport which had lots of physical benefits but one that wouldn't make him face the problems of team sports, swimming.

Everything was going fine for 2 years, his physical development, love of water and the fun he was having... So much that, sometimes I was almost starting to think that he was a kind of species living on water rather than land. Training hard and very frequently was never a problem. Until this weekend...


In national holiday celebrations, they held a swimming competition for kids.

This should have been really fun...
It must have been, kids, water, holiday, celebrations... These words could only remind us of entertainment. But it didn't go like that. This weekend, we have not seen a UFO but we have seen people losing themselves over a competition with astonishment and fear...


In an 8-year-olds, 50-meter swimming race, I have seen how families and coaches turned into beasts with all that ambition...

I honestly didn't get why all the ambition and fighting was for. I felt like that 50 meters would newer end. The faces the kids saw when they reached the finish, unaware of anything, was just unbelievable...
These were the looks of "You have failed!", from their parents.
"You should have been better!", was another one of the first things they heard from their family.
Believe me, I wouldn't want to be in place of any of those kids. There were a few more families who were joyful but the unpleasant scene took our joy away too...


Family, kid, sports, from this trio coming out a tragedy like this is very ironic. I guess there are still people who don't know what sports is and who does it for what... Furthermore, they are experiencing this on their own kids... What a pity!
I respect the concepts of competition, contests, and ambition but as long as they don't take our joy away.

My next post will be about ; kids and sports. Let's see what science has to say...

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