Good Bye Cristiano Ronaldo !!

Cristiano Ronaldo is joining Juventus!!


No words. His transfer news made a deep hole inside my heart. I don't know how much will it take for me to overcome this.
Ronaldo, over the past 9 years, You made me happy with your amazing performances. You made my childhood full of happiness and now even in adulthood, I have lived one of the happiest moment of my life as we lifted the third consecutive UEFA champions league title but this is the first time you made me cry. I don't know what do I do to get rid of this sadness. The only thing I can do is wish you good luck for your good future in Juventus.


Thanks for everything you have done for this club. We'll never forget these moments.

"Real Madrid has conquered my heart, and that of my family, and that is why more than ever I want to say thank you...
I only have feelings of enormous gratitude for this club and for this city.
-Cristiano Ronaldo


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