What is Freestyle kickboxing ?

"The biggest communication problem is, We do not listen to UNDERSTAND, we listen to REPLY."

Freestyle kickboxing

Aka Points Fighting, is the variant of American kickboxing, most similar to sport karate, since it consists in fighting for the purpose of scoring points with an emphasis on delivery, speed, and technique. Under such rules, fights are held on the tatami, (most commonly a 6 by 6 matted area) The fighters present their belts to be classified in order of experience and ability, based on the colour.

The male kickboxers wear shirts and kickboxing trousers as well as protective gear including: mouth-guard, hand-wraps, 8oz gloves, groin-guard, shin-pads, foot-pads, and headgear.

The female kickboxers will wear a sports bra and chest protection in addition to the male clothing/protective gear.

Notable fighters under semi-contact rules include myself Michael Page, Alfie Lewis, Kevin Brewerton and Raymond Daniels

Classic fights such as The Animal Alfie Lewis VS Kevin Jedi Brewerton

And Raymond 'The Real Deal' Daniels VS Michael 'Venom' Page


Fighters can score through punches or kicks, striking above the waist and foot sweeps, executed below the ankle (Boot to Boot)

Punches, kicks, and foot sweeps are awarded 1 point. Kicks to the head or jumping kicks to the body are awarded 2 points. Jumping kicks to the head are awarded 3 points.

Elbows, knees, and spinning backfists, clinch fighting, throws and sweeps (with the exception of foot sweeps) are all forbidden.

Bouts are usually 3 rounds (lasting 2–3 minutes each) with a 1-minute rest in between rounds.

The world of Points fighting

The benefits of freestyle kickboxing

  1. Reaction - Reaction time is the ability to respond quickly to a stimulus. It's important in many sports. Simple reaction time is the time taken between a stimulus and movement e.g., sprint start. In point fighting you are constantly reacting to explosive movements, which massivley increases your countering ability.


  1. Distancing - Fighters in this industry spend so much time increasing there reaction ability, this directly effects and improves spatial awareness. Spatial awareness is the ability to be aware of oneself in space. It is an organised knowledge of objects in relation to oneself in that given space. spatial awareness also involves understanding the relationship of these objects when there is a change of position. Freestyle Kickboxers become very sensitive to the space and distance between themselves and there opponents whichs helps them anticipate attacks.


  1. Speed - Freestyle Kickboxers are forced to be extremely explosive, given them the ability to move quickly across the ground or move limbs rapidly to land effective Kicks Or Punches. Although point scoring is a semi contact sport that many people see more as a game, points fighters hit extremely hard due to how explosive they are, The force of your punch or kick, is determined by how fast you can fling your fist or foot and how much of your body weight you can get behind it. The more control you have over your body the better prepared you are at flinging your body around at speed.


  1. Agility - this is the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance. Agility is the ability to change the direction of the body in an efficient and effective manner and to achieve this requires a combination of all the above attributes including Balance, Static balance, Dynamic balance and Coordination. Training in freestyle kickboxing massively develops everyone of these important skills.


"Understanding is much deeper than knowledge, There are many people who know us but very few people that understand us."

I've transferred this style ,Freestyle kickboxing/Point scoring/Hands Down Martial Arts into the cage and now boxing.

So the next time you look at one of my fights, Before you comment, make sure you UNDERSTAND.


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