The next three picks

As I mentioned before, I am the GM of the Chargers and in the middle of a dispersal (creation) draft. Last time I explained the basics and took you through what the basis for my team is going to be. Or what I had decided pre draft. Sometimes the best laid plans get foiled by others.

Having secured our safety of the future, I was hoping to get him a homie on defense to dominate in round two but all of the elite guys were gone and it made more sense to go offense, seeing as there were still a ton of elite offensive linemen. I was tempted to get a running back or a wide receiver but I decided to stick to the plan and my next pick was:

Additionally James Jones has 100 100 speed for an olineman. Note speed is based on size and position, so a 100-100 speed and acceleration LG is FAR different then a 100 100 wide reciever or cb for instance. These are his full position based ratings.

Max Speed 100
Acceleration 100
Strength 100
Intelligence 100
Discipline 100
Run Blocking 60/100
Pass Blocking 54/100
Short Snapping 22
Long Snapping 16

James is able to play several positions effectively. I value depth and versatility. Injuries are huge in this game, and I personally would rather have a 91 guy at all five spots then say 100 at c, and 70's at the other four slots. That is just me. My long time friend Smirt is exactly the opposite. He loves star power. James was a third year player. So far my team averages only two years of experience overall.

I am going to change the weights to add normally hidden ratings going forward, so I don't have to do extra work and take up extra needless space showing you all the players I have selected.

IN the third round again it made more sense to take the best available talent, rather then reach for a much worse defender. So I selected the following offensive lineman!

I love the fact that Napper can play all five spots on the offensive line. I would draft five Nappers if I could. Lol Here are his position ratings at the spots he is able to play offensively.

C 69 96
LG 42 94
LT 40 93
RG 40 93
RT 40 92
TE 26 65
FB 22 60

Obviously Napper is a center preferably but sometimes you have to make changes later in the draft and inseason if injuries happen to rear their ugly head as we may find out. I drafted him to be a center but again I don't want to reach. So if it comes down to an 85 rt or a 90 center in a later round, I am likely to take the center all things being equal and move Napper to another position of need. That's just how I roll!

In the fourth round I was getting very antsy. As I was building my list and as the time seemed to be barely moving as I sweated it out I had two guys that CLEARLY were head and shoulders above the rest. I was hoping both were available even if I needed to kill myself trying to decide whether to go with the sweet veteran stud DE convert or the veteran 99 rated offensive lineman. I was sure neither would last, but I was very happily wrong. During the six or seven minutes I was on the clock I flip flopped several time and switched the order. Did I get the offensive lineman, my third in a row, or did I finally add a much needed defender, and even out the squad to end the day?
I made you sweat it out a bit, huh? That wasn't very nice of me. I could do it again, very easily and prolong the torture but instead without any further adieu I selected the following player with my fourth and final pick on day 1!

As you can see Walton is a natural center and will need to learn to be a guard or a tackle. I prefer the 99 future, to the 96 current so I will be most likely switching him likely after training camp.

Here are his position ratings:

LG 47 99
LT 49 99
RT 46 98
RG 48 98
C 96 96
TE 28 59

Day one was finally in the books and I had 3/5 of my hopefully ultimate offensive line already intact. Walton was a 7th year vet. So in total I had a rookie, a 7 season and two third year starters already. The average experience is 3.5, so a nice mix of youth, and veteran leadership so far. Also my seventh year player was listed as having less then a one percent chance of retirement, so the odds of him finishing his two year contract are almost 100 percent. Also lineman tend to play longer then some positions so I am hopeful that I get six seasons out of him before he heads to the golf course and calls it a career.

I was now left without ten players on my lengthy list (for the morning) and sorted the defenders first knowing I was very unbalanced and needed a defender in the worst way. I kicked myself a few times for passing on the pash rusher but we will see tomorrow what day two gets us, ok? See you all tomorrow!

Do you like sports games? Are you up for a challenge, or just want to follow what I am doing as I draft? (Spoiler alert I am nearly finished with day 2 already!) Head here do start your own club!

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