So, You Want to Kneel for the Anthem, Eh?

So, You Want to Kneel for the Anthem, Eh?

As a general rule, I rarely get involved in Hegelian dialectics, but I can’t help noticing all of the noise surrounding professional athletes kneeling while the National Anthem is being sung at the start of their games. To tell you the truth, I have ignored football all of my life and really couldn’t care any less about their protests, either.

From the time I was a kid, I have preferred baseball over football, even though the team I rooted for was the Philadelphia Phillies; hey, they were my tribe!

In any case, I’ve always thought that football, as a sport, had gone downhill with the introduction of helmets, shoulder pads and rubber cleats. I would much rather prefer seeing some cracked skulls, busted clavicles, broken teeth and crushed ribs and limbs than seeing a pigskin cross a goal line. I mean, I never thought it was a good idea for anyone with a double-digit IQ to deliberately risk head trauma, jeopardizing what little nature had provided them from the onset, but, hey; who am I to judge.

I have also never been too much enamored with the ball that they use, either.

I would like to see that oval thing replaced with a dead, goat’s carcass. A fresh one, not one that has been dead for a few days and all bloated from the sun. I would love to see someone kick a field goal with one of them.

I have to laugh, however, when I see how these brain trusts are protesting whatever it is they are protesting.

Kneeling; really? That ain’t protesting; that’s just being stupid.

The universal symbol of “submission” is to kneel before some authority. To protest would be to turn your back, pull down your pants and bend over or even stick out your tongue and blow a raspberry. How about sticking your index finger in your nose, crossing your eyes and hopping on one leg?

Kneeling just doesn’t cut it! Not that I care much for any of this back and forth, but something did come to my attention in all of this hot air. Listen to this:

Since when is the government in business of subsidizing the building of stadiums for a private business? Where can I find that article in the Constitution?

As I understand what the man said, ONE BILLION DOLLARS in new construction over the last 20 years and a total of over SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS if you add refurbishing to existing stadiums! That money didn’t belong to the federal government, it belonged to the People and now it is controlled by a private business called the NFL.

So, like it or not, they’re playing on OUR fields and in OUR structures. As far as I’m concerned, this changes everything. Now, I’m forced to have an opinion, since they’ve decided to smack me in the face with their childish attempts at insults to our symbols and the President.

Quite simply, play on MY field; play by MY rules! If not, pay back the taxpayers the monies you took, with interest, of course, and do as you wish.

I would LOVE to see a petition to the U.S. Government for the redress of grievances. Then I would LOVE to find out the names of the legislators who proposed and voted for the subsidies and see them get kicked out of office for malfeasance, if they’re still haunting the corridors of government.

I don’t like when government subsidizes banks and I don’t like it with football, either. It’s high time to get those morons in government out of our pockets!

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