What are you willing to do to achieve your goals?

As I'm working at a gym I'm used to meet many kinds of people.

There are those who sign up at the beginning of the summer, there are those who train only to impress girls, there are those who attend the weight room only to meet up with friends and so on...

Yesterday I had a new client who asked me a whole series of questions:

  • How many years have you been training?
  • Could you give me an example of your daily diet?
  • How long do I need to train to reach your result?

He is a young man who has just started and does not have a great sporting history.
I always try to be realistic with my clients and even though it may seem counterproductive to my business, I prefer not to give false hopes ever, because if a customer does not get the desired results in the end it is always the coach's fault, even if, maybe, he himself did not follow the coach's instructions.

I went on to talk about my experiences, my studies, my first bodybuilding competition and he seemed initially fascinated by my speech.

Then when I started to explain more in a technical way how a diet works, how to structure the workouts: the breakdown of macronutrients, the management of workout schedules and calorie count, he immediately blocked me saying:

This is not for me, I will never be able to do it.

Putting limits before you even started, looking for excuses...is part of the human nature, unfortunately, in life everything takes time and effort.
If you have a dream worth pursuing, do it! It does not matter how much sacrifice it takes.

There are two types of people: those who see obstacles as the end of their journey, and those who consider them a challenge to overcome.

What kind of person are you?



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Fede Sox: Naturally Grown Bodybuilder & Fitness Enthusiast

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