Dutch speedskaters on top of the medal table again

Today the Olympic Speed Skating event was concluded. Time to draw up the balance.

The Netherlands first

As in Sochi 2014, The Netherlands tops the medal table with 16 medals. The Dutch, who traditionally win nearly all their Winter Games medals in this sport, were able to secure 7 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 Bronze medals. Second place on the medal table is for Japan, with 3 times Gold, 2 times Silver and 1 Bronze medal. The podium is completed by - overall Pyeongchang 2018 leader - Norway with 4 medals (2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze).

Special achievements

Some interesting facts from the Olympic Speed Skating tournament:

  • Ireen Wüst won Gold for the fourth consecutive time;
  • Sven Kramer won the men's 5,000m for the third time in a row;
  • Havard Lorentzen became the first Norwegian Olympic Champion in Speed Skating in 20 years;
  • Kjeld Nuis became the first athlete to win both 1,000m and 1,500m since 1984
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