Aikido is a martial art from Japan.

Aikido is a martial art from Japan. Aikido is divided into three hieroglyphs: ah - harmony, ki - spiritual strength, before - the path. Aikido is the "path to harmony of spirit". The uniqueness of art lies in the fact that it creates the main emphasis on ethical principles, which are embodied in the application of its techniques. Techniques: merging with enemy attack, redirecting the attacker's energy and painful capture. Aikido is known all over the world in the form of several styles, with different techniques. All techniques combine the principles formulated by the great Ueshiba, which include caring and caring for the attacker.

The beginning of aikido - 1920, the birth place of the city of Ayabe. Founder of aikido Morihei Ueshiba. In his childhood he was short, liked to read, did not differ in good health, and his health was not strong. Art he inherited from his mother, and from his father - the determination of the samurai. Ueshiba was sent to sumo school and swimming, but he could not justify the hopes of his parents. When Morihei was 18 years old, he leaves for Tokyo, the capital of Japan, where martial arts begin to interest him. In Tokyo, he studies jiu-jitsu and kendo (the art of swordplay). Morihei Ueshiba goes to the army, he participated in the Russo-Japanese War, after he leaves military service and returns home. At home, he continued martial arts. Morihei was so strong that legends went about him. The death of his father changed the life of Ueshiba: he studied meditation, religion and philosophy. Ueshiba opened the school, the pupils were from different parts of Japan. Practice of martial arts, deep knowledge and profound meaning allowed to create a style that was named as aiki-bodzhitsu. After renamed to aiki-budo. During the Second World War Ueshiba with the devoted disciples continues a new budo. The war deeply shocked, after which a new martial art called aikido. Must unite all in one family. When the war ended, Ueshiba shows art to a wide range of people, believing that it will help them to gain confidence and peace of mind. It was the opening of a demonstration of aikido. Morihei Ueshiba placed his knowledge on his son Kisshomar and faithful disciples, and he left. In Iwama, he created the spiritual center of Aikido, the temple of Aiki. The great teacher of aikido Morihei Ueshiba, died - 1969, he was 86 years old. In our time there is a tradition, every year, on April 29, followers of the Great Teacher come to Aiki. In the temple of Aiki there is a divine service in memory of the teacher and founder of aikido - Morihei Ueshiba.

The principle of aikido:

  • The spirit of Aiki's unity,
  • Security distance Ma-ay,
  • Departure from the attack line Tai Sabaki,
  • The withdrawal of an opponent from the equilibrium of kuzushi,
  • Entrance to Ma-ai enemy Irimi,
  • Spiral motion,
  • Timely response,
  • Use of the center,
  • Impact on the equilibrium point of the opponent Sumi,
  • Shock technique Atemi,
  • rotation,
  • dynamics.


Bokken is a wooden sword. He was used in fights, in order not to kill his rival. But if he fell into the skilful hands, then they could be killed and injured on an equal footing with an honed katana.

Jo - a wooden pole, about 128 cm, 24-26 mm in diameter.

The tanto is a knife, its length is about 30 cm.

Vakizashi is a sword, short.

Bo is a Japanese staff, it is made of wood or metal. The length from the floor to the chin of the fighter.

Nagatinata is a Japanese analogue of the glaive.

Work with weapons is necessary for the work of hands. Other techniques that go without weapons, they are based on the correct lifting of hands or on lowering the hands, for example: the blow of Semen Ooty, Semen Kirikomi, or the holding of the central line to the partner. Paired exercises serve to study the timeliness (avase).

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