12 Yr. Old Little League World Series Baseball....best game on TV!

It’s my favorite time of the year! Of course football is about to start but, for me one of the best sporting events of the year is the Little League World Series. This world wide baseball tournament is held in Williamsport Pennsylvania in a first class venue that 12 year olds rarely get to experience.
The regionals in the USA have already started and we are slowly getting things narrowed down to who the teams are that get this awesome opportunity. The Umpires are all volunteers and the place is packed with fans to the roof and every blade of grass where you can sit out behind the outfield. This is a massive stage already for these boys and throw in the fact that it’s being televised on ESPN and you get every kids dream playing in the backyard. I mean look at this field, if your 12 and you see this, it could be enough to give a kid a nervous breakdown.
What I love about the Little League World Series the most is the emotion from the kids. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat is as real as it gets in 12yr old baseball. At 12 yrs old, I prolly would have sold my little sister to get an opportunity like this. I actually did get that opportunity but it was in 1992 in College at Florida Tech when a team I was on went to the NCAA Division II College World Series. What a whirlwind! It’s hard to remember a lot of details because things are moving so fast and there is soooooo much going on it’s hard to stop and smell the roses. Below is a video of that team if you care to watch it. I am #17 in this video.

When I see pictures like these ball players from Japan, I know exactly how that feels. I have been in a Regional Championship dog pile and the feeling is so awesome it’s hard to describe, it’s something you must experience. I am so thankful I got a chance to taste what I had worked hard for and loved since I was a little kid. Baseball gave me some free college but more importantly, serious accountability to my School and my teammates. It makes me smile every single time I see faces like the ones in this picture.
Good luck USA boys, it’s always tough to win this one against All-Star teams from around the world and it should be. May the best country win!

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