Coddens bronze at EC Xterra duathlon

Kris Coddens, joined by Didier Vandenbosh, took off to Denmark for the European Championship Xterra cross duathlon. Despite competition by Xterra triathlon Malta, several headliners showed up at Rebild for a clash.

Coddens followed the tracks of Danish Jens Emil Sloth Nielsen during the first run. The duo faced a small gap on Norwegian Oivind Bjerkseth. On the MTB the Dane and the Norseman were too strong for Coddens, who managed to close the gap on Bjerkseth in the final run, but fell short for silver. Nielsen won in 1hr56'41, Bjerkseth second in 1hr58'50 and bronze for Coddens in 1hr59'21.


"I can be happy with this third place," tells Kris. "After an injury prone winter I had no clue how I would perform. During the first run I noticed the Norwegian running way too fast, it was a brutally hilly course, with very steep slopes. I joined transition with the Dane and we stuck together on the MTB until he surged after 25km. I just couldn't cling on. In another brutal runn I managed to keep my third place secure. Form isn't what it should have been, but this was to be expected. Next week I'll be present at Xterra Greece".

Didier Vandenbosch went full on for the European title M50, but had a flat on the bike. Eventually he managed to run for bronze!

Original article posted on by Hans Cleemput on 23/04/2018
Translation by @T0v3

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