How fast to run and not get tired?

Gradual increase in load. Each beginner from the very first steps of the race wants to show his excellent physical readiness and ability to quickly escape, but the load on an unprepared organism is often distributed incorrectly.

The first regular 4-5 runs should be performed at an extremely slow pace, close to the walk and lasting no more than 10-15 minutes. It is important not to go for walking. After each subsequent run should be added either in the running speed or in its duration for 1-2 minutes.

Comfortable shoes. The right choice of running shoes also helps to achieve good results. When buying shoes, it is necessary to take into account on what surface the activities will take place: a dirt road, an asphalt pavement, a path in the gym, etc.

The right clothes. Sportswear should not overtighten the body, constrain or create any other discomfort. Also, when running in cold weather, it is worth warming the neck, head and entire chest.

Right breathing. Exactly breathe with every movement, and good health during the race will not leave you. The best is one breath for every three steps and then one exhalation for the next three steps.

Smooth posture. The head should be lifted, as though on it you carefully carry your favorite book. Keep your back straight and relaxed. Move as smoothly and naturally as possible. The right tempo your body will tell you. Run and remember that every one of the 100 steps that you overcome jumps your body to the desired ideal.

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