5 ideas to put lightness in your life

To be faster, be lighter (CQFD). It's LIGHT season, so we'll tell you everything to be lighter before the summer. And no, we're not going to talk about losing 10kgs or eating lighter yogurts, but put a little lightness in your head! Ideal for your summer goals!

1 / Throw everything that does not suit you (or more)

After the London Marathon, at the hotel, there was a lecture by Marie Kondo. If I did not attend (I had a Eurostar to take), it reminded me of the contents of his book "The Magic of storage". Do not worry, I do not thank my running shoes for everything they brought me (even the RP shoe?). I do not talk to my clothes in the bottom of my closet to reassure them. But reading this book had given me great impulses for sorting. If that motivates you, read it again and then get rid of:

Running shoes too worn. Yes they have accompanied you on a nice RP and you like them a lot. But they were 10,000km and are a little worn or downright hole. This is the time to buy the same pair in new if you like it and to separate from the old ones. If you have made too much progress, also say goodbye to models that no longer fit your level.
Clothes too small or too big.

Books and magazines that you will not read again (have you already read the Cosmo of February 2014? No!)
Ugly running t-shirts (give them to associations) (except the marathon one, it's sacred)

I do not know you but I am unable to throw my bibs and medals. Find a nice way to store / display them effectively.
Everything that has become ugly / old-fashioned / worn / out of style. If your tastes have changed, there is little chance that you go back!
BRIEF, put your wardrobe on the diet!

2 / Stop wanting to "weigh"

Make a little detox social networks and stop wanting to weigh in the game. Stop counting your followers, your likes on instagram and the neighbor's km on Strava. All these numbers less it will do you good! You do not need to be statistically more influential / faster / more enduring than others to be happy.

Enjoy the summer to take a step back on all that and regain the pleasure. Post photos that are not ultra-licked on Instagram if you like it. Go running without your watch or "forget" to synchronize it. Take a sports break to deliberately leave your meter of the week at zero. You will feel lighter then!

(Do what I say, do not do it!)

BRIEF, give a slimming detox to all your social networking accounts, including strava.

3 / Get rid of negative things

Stop following, seeing, listening, spying on people who do not want you that good (or that generate frustration without doing it on purpose). Stop reading the magazines that annoy you and the instagram stories that annoy you. Get plenty of people and positive ideas.

Force your brain to forget negative ideas. Oblige him to think "I am the strongest, I can do anything". The brain is like the abs, it gets muscle. Work your "bikini-brain" it will be more useful!

4 / Dose as you want

Do not focus on the numbers written on a scale, on the ingredients of a chocolate bar, or on the label of a bikini. Make mix & match: food that wants you good and small things that make you happy. A shirt top of one color, and a bottom of another. A little sport that you like, a little relaxation. Invent your own balanced recipe without respecting the doses. A little imagination and you will have the perfect banana bread!

5 / Melt in the sun

Enjoy the spring! (choose the days when it is 28 ° and not those where it is 5 °, I know it's pretty random). Go do your sport outside: running, burpees, cycling, yoga, sunbathing. It seems that we can do paddle in Paris! Have lunch on the terrace, have drinks after work, get out!

Wear lightweight clothing, featherweight sandals, and get Vitamin D.

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