Never Tug of War on your bare feet - Behind the Photo

Hello good Steemians.
It's been a while since the last time I wrote. Been busy with keeping my life straight really. So I don't really have time to be on my phone and write anything. Plus I keep getting that writers block thing.

Anyway, I got a job recently as a commis cook at Borneo Golf Resort at Membakut Sabah. Before I start working there, the manager said that they'll supply me two pair kitchen shirt but I have to buy my own pair of safety shoes for work. Luckily on the 18th January, there was a small election where I live. So I took that chance to sell drinks just to get some money for me to buy those safety shoes.

Back to the topic. I've only worked at my new workplace for almost three weeks and the company was having a staff gathering on the 26th February. They had all kind of activity including tug of war amongst other departments in the resort. The kitchen staff put my name in the list for tug of war since I'm a big guy and I can be the anchor.

On the day of the event, I was working the morning shift. After my shift is over, my colleague and I went straight to the driving range to get ready. There was also few activity before the tug of war start.

Before the tug of war begin, my teammate and I was planning strategies how to tug. We praticed few steps. Then I noticed my safety shoe wasn't helping on the dry grass. Plus I was worried that I might tear the shoe apart since I haven't got my first pay yet. So I decided to take them off. (bad idea)

On the first match, it was easy tugging. No sweat. But the second match was my nightmare. I was getting ready by tying the rope around my waist and getting ready. Then the referee started the countdown.

As the referee blew the whistle, we all started tugging. It was really a strong tug. Suddenly the other team pulled us in, and at that time I heard a snapping sound. Like the sound when you step on a twig. I didn't really noticed anything that time and keep on tugging until I look on the ground and noticed that my big toe is wiggling outward. I quickly change my stance and keep on tugging and won that round.

As soon as that round ended, I quickly bend down and pulled my toe outward and back in it's normal position because I thought it might just be dislocated. So we continued on tugging for the next two match which on the final match we lost. We only manage to get 2nd.

To be honest, I didn't really feel anything until the final match. Maybe because of the adrenaline rush I guess.

After I got home, I didn't go to the hospital yet. I still think it's just dislocated even when it's already swollen. I just wrapped my foot with bandage to put pressure on it.

The next morning, I can't stand the pain no longer. I told my wife that we need to go to the hospital and scan my toe. And yes, it's broken. I guess I already know it's broken by looking at how my toe wiggled, but I guess I just don't want to believe it.

So guys, the moral of the story, wear your shoes everytime you do sports activity.


What I find funny was, my toe is the one that is broken, but the doctor put the cast up to my knee and left the toe exposed



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