The Canaries Leg - PWA Pozo 2018 an epic event

I've been in the canaries for 2 weeks now and there is only one week left but so far it has been full on!! In this time ten films have been produced but my favorite one to make has to be the youth and junior film . . .


This kid Pepe Cruz is a super fan and has some seriously good presenting skills and comedy timing. Working with the little guy was great fun. Watch the film below to see just how funny he is and how good the worlds best windsurfing kids are . . .

The contest for the pro fleets continued and with full completion of the double elimination on the last day, the men and women were on top form and Philip Koster the current world champion went for the triple forward loop!!

Ben and I have been super busy since finishing the event editing and planning the next event in Fuerteventura. The editing has taken nearly all of my time these last days but working with Ben is always entertaining!!


So then to the main event film which usually takes me a week to edit but because there has only been a few days between events we decided to split the film into 2 parts. So hot of the press is Part 1 - The Official Windsurfing.TV - PWA - Pozo 2018

Now for the Slalom racing and Freestyle competitions in Fuerteventura. Just one more week to go!!

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