FREE 1000 Power Delegation - Start Earning DEC Right Away!

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@quickdrawchev here, aka FURIOUS CHICKEN, and I'm so glad you're back because today, I have a SUPER IMPORTANT announcement to make!

I'm going to give you my extra collection power!

Yay! Woot! Woot!

Er.. actually.. I'm gonna give them to new players.. but uhm.. are you a new player?


Like most players, I started with nothing but $10 to buy the spellbook and own assets but thru the investment of ahem Time and Attention ahem, I was able to build an account worth thousands of dollahs!

And I want that FOR YOU, too!

I understand that, because of some recent necessary updates for the health of the game, newer players are unable to earn the in-game token, Dark Energy Crystals (DEC), at Bronze 3. Earning DEC even at the lowest league enabled me to buy cards and get to where I am now. This, however, is not possible anymore.

We need to be atleast at Bronze 2 to start earning DEC.
Bronze 2 requires at least 1000 Collection Power (CP).
1000 CP means new player need to invest more $$$ to buy cards on top of $10.
Money that most new players, especially from my home country the Philippines, do not have.

Players join the game because they WANT TO EARN.
They stay because they FALL IN LOVE.

I know I don't speak for everyone but this has been how it was for me.

With this initiative, I hope, in my small way, I can help people discover how much there is to love in this game.


My plan is to choose FIVE NEW PLAYERS and delegate to them 1000 CP worth of usable cards to get them to Bronze 2 and kickstart their earning journey.

This way, the winners will earn DEC per win that would, in turn, allow them to buy cards and build up their collection ASAP.

All you have to do it fill out this questionnaire to join.


You don't have to react or comment on this post to be eligible.
But if you feel like more people should benefit from this, feel free to reblog so more new players will see.
Or better yet, if you are capable, SHARE THE LOVE and sponsor new players as well.


I do wanna ask you three things tho, if you can spare another minute of your time.

First. If you already have thousands of CP, please don't join.

I understand that we can never have enough CP, especially if we want to compete in the higher leagues. But this is for newer players who need that extra push. Lets help them fall in love with the game. We need more players today, more than ever.

Second. Even if you don't have CP but you already know how to play the game and is capable of RENTING CARDS to compete in the higher leagues, please don't join.

You are already capable of building your own collection and knows how awesome the game is. I hope you understand that newer players would benefit more from this an extra 1000 CP would benefit you.

Third. Once you are able to earn enough DEC and bought your own cards totaling at least 1000 CP, please tell me. Thru discord or youtube or here on PeakD.

That way, I can take back the cards I lent you so I can delegate it to others and be the help they needed like how it helped you.



These are the card sets worth 1000 CP each that I will be delegating to the chosen accounts.

They have combinations of legendary cards, epics, rares and even commons that are NOT part of the Starter Deck.


This is it for me today.

My goal is to help people fall in love with this game as I did.
In my small ways, I wanna give back to the community.

I'm hoping to save up and buy more cards so I can delegate more sets to more players.

If you are like me who has been playing for a while, has extra assets, also want to share the love to newbies and its not much trouble, please consider creating your own sets and delegating at least 1000 CP to new players.

This way, we not only helping new players fall in love with the game, we are also able to support the dev team and expand the community organically.

See you in the Praetoria.

My name is Chev, aka The Furious Chicken, and I'll be back with another one, real soon.

PS: I'll announce the chosen accounts on my YT channel and here on PeakD.


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