Neutral Card of the Day #4 - Sand Worm


Sneaky little Worm!

Sand worm is a neutral card that costs 9 mana, has a speed of 1 and health of 5 at level 1. Due to its high damage, it can easily take out your opponent's back lines with the Sneak ability. With its high damage, comes its low speed. But you can take advantage of its low speed by using it in a match with Reverse Speed combat rule. I suggest using sand worm against water splinter as it takes out the high magic damage back lines when paired with other monsters with Sneak and Snipe abilities. Also, it does work well agains Kron the Undying. It can take out the Kron-Llama combo before even Kron enters its Last Stand. Sand worm is obviously weak against a Mylor Crowling splinter because if its Thorns ability.


Sand worm is also good against flying and high armor monsters as it gains abilities such as Snare and Piercing at levels 6 and 10.

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