Furious Chicken: Not Your Typical Chicken

Hello everyone, today let's talk about this Furious Chicken.

Furious Chicken_lv1.png

Before anything else, our Furious Chicken stats are

Yep! It's mana is zero(0), it's a free card to use even when your reach the mana cap in a battle.
You can use it as long as there is an extra slot.

How to use the chicken?
Well, FC can't attack unless you make it on level 3 star
Usually, most of the players use FC as a sacrificial lamb, an offering to the Gods, haha!
The role of this chicken is to take the first hit for your other monster.
Because most of players use cards that have Snipe or Sneak or Oppuritnity Skills to take down easily those cards that has a low HP or not on the first position or those cards that has no attack at the backline.

Where to put Furious Chicken?
The answer here is, it really depends on your strategy, also depending on your opponents used deck by reviewing its past battles.
FRONT: to take the first hit for the tank
MIDDLE: to toll an extra turn for your next attacker or range monster cards
LAST: to take the damage for your last monster card

Furious Chicken can sometimes be against you due to wrong placement.
For example, if you put the chicken at last position and your opponent used playable magic type water cards, mostly those magic type cards doesn't have a snipe, sneak or oppurtunity skills that will attack at backline unless if your opponent has a card that can do so or rented one.
Instead your chicken will shield your last monster to attack it was reversed.
Also, if you run out of time and forgot to position it.
This chicken isn't just an offering to the Gods, it's a chicken that can turn the tide of battle.
FC is a game changer when properly positioned.

Want one?
If you want to use or own a FC, you can buy or rent it on Market
Today as I'm making this, its price on sale was 37$ and can rent on 11 DEC on its lowest.

Furious Chicken is a must to have even PRO Players use it especially when mana cap is low.

If you ain't sure how to use FC, keep on practicing battles, as you gain expercience, you also gain insights on how other cards work.

If you lose on a battle, dont blame the chicken
its all mikeys fault.jpg

That's all for me!

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Take care everyone!

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