Weekly Battle Challenge - The sacrifical lamb aka Carrion Shade

WEekly Battle Challenge - Lava Spider.gif

Hi everyone, this is my take on the weekly battle challenge. This week staring:

Carrion Shade



Messing with the dark arts should not be taken lightly. But that was the risk that Thaddius Brood took. A curious young man fascinated by the occult, he took to casting rituals and holding dark ceremonies. And it wasn't long before he got in touch with a dark entity that drove him into madness.

His family sent him to an asylum, but it only worsened his condition. And the entity within him festered and grew more powerful. Soon there was no boundary between Thaddius and it. Using his newfound dark magic, Thaddius broke from his prison and now wreaks havoc everywhere he goes. Through his rituals he got into contact with Doctor Blight. And the Doctor was fascinated with his power.

Thaddius has now joined the ranks of the Chaos Legion as an agent in the Splinterlands, sowing death wherever he can.

Thaddius Brood sat in silence in his cell, staring hard at the far wall across from him. While he was completely still and quiet, inside his mind was a busy place. The voice from the entity he'd summoned, the one that connected with him, had plenty to say.

We will get out of this, dear Thaddius. This cell is not enough to hold us. We will kill those that put us here. That dared to claim they were our masters. Everyone will know of our power.

Thaddius grinned.


Thaddius works great in this setup to nerf the strongest splinter in Bronze: Obsidion Earth.



Cursed Windeku are nightmarish creatures that live in the deepest and darkest woods. They hunt at night, stalking their prey before attacking with their claws, while their thorn-like horns and natural healing ability provide an excellent defense,. They exude a pungent pheromone that reduces the reaction time of their victims, often allowing the Windeku to begin devouring them before they are dead. While these lifeless creatures may appear animalistic, they are highly intelligent. They have heeded the call put forth by the Lord of Darkness. Their thirst for blood is now focused on the Chaos Legion.

“I heard it again... that rustle of brush in the darkness of the forest. No mistaking it now. Something was stalking us.

I picked up my pace and urged Grewa to do the same. We hurried through the trees toward the inn. I could hear her panting behind me. Something howled then, but not like a wolf. Like a man who has gone mad with hunger.

I lost it. I ran. Ran as fast as my legs could carry me. And when I stumbled and fell and got up again, I realized I was alone. No sound of Grewa. No footfalls or heavy breath.

I rose to my feet and walked slowly back the way we'd come. I heard a sound. A wet, tearing sound. And in the middle of trees, not twenty yards away, I saw Grewa. And I saw it.

The beast was gaunt, its skin pulled tight over its bones. It was the ash-gray color of death, with sunken eyes, like a corpse recently risen from the grave, and twisted horns. And the smell. Oh, gods, the smell.

Its lips were tattered and bloody. It was Grewa's blood. It had torn her open and was feasting on her guts. And she... she was still moving. She let out a little whimper.

And I turned and I ran until I saw your light burning in the distance, and I kept running until I burst through the door.”

The man downed the rest of his tankard of ale and stared into the empty mug. The other patrons of the inn shifted in their seats.

“He's making it up,” one said.


With enough mana available he is a must as a main tank, his good health pool plus thorns make him a great tank.



Within the Realm of Chaos resides Uul, an eldritch dark god that has consumed countless realities.

It is this ancient entity of madness and despair that Silus of the Rift called upon to fulfill his plans of conquest. What Silus offered was of great interest to Uul: to feed upon The Source. To taste mana from the Well which had been forever beyond its enormous reach.

And so the elder god of a thousand screaming worlds gazed upon a single point of pure, primal energy, its power a familiar echo of the creation of All. When Silus opened the Gateway, Uul knew that its enormity could never pass through the revealed portal, however that did not mean it could not make its presence known in the world beyond.

The Shade of Uul took shape within the Splinterlands, and gave unto Silus a horrific gift. By twisting and corrupting the six primary elements of magic, a brood of Fiends was created, each a grotesque representation of a different form of magic. Fueled by the power of Uul, the Fiends are a nightmare to behold.

It is said to gaze upon a Fiend is to stare into the face of utter Hopelessness and know that the End has come.

Emogen made her rounds through the graveyard, her lantern light barely piercing the thick fog that had gathered that night. She knew this graveyard well, and been keeping it safe for years. But tonight felt different. Tonight felt off.

A noise of grating stone behind her prompted her to spin around, lantern held high.

“Hello?” she called. Her brow furrowed. “No one is allowed inside at this hour. Show yourself!”

There was no response. She tread over to the source of the noise. One of the stone coffins that sat above the ground had been disturbed. Its lid was ajar by a few inches.

Emogen recoiled as a cold feeling of dread pierced her gut. In all her years as a grave keeper, she'd never been afraid once. But something felt very, very wrong.

“Show yourself!” she demanded.

A tendril of shadow uncoiled from the darkness of the coffin like a snake. And just as Emogen's mouth opened to scream, a burst of shadow cut her off. Her lantern dropped to the grass, the light snuffed out. Her body soon followed.


Corpse Fiend starts our legion of sacrificial cards.



A carrion shade is a dark-winged bird that feeds off of the dead bodies of animals and people. They often flock to battlefields and dangerous parts of the wilderness where there are sure to be corpses. They travel in small groups and have no natural predators. Most people fear the carrion shades, though. For to see a group following you is to know your life is in danger. Tales whispered by the elder wise women claim that if you see a single carrion shade perched outside your home, then someone you love will die that night.

A drizzle cast the forest road in shades of gray. The forest itself gave off a mournful, lonely atmosphere. The trees bowed in the silence and stillness. And it was only broken by the fluttering of wings.

A group of carrion shades surrounded a humanoid body. A person left on the side of the road, their belongings taken and stab wounds across their body. Any passerby would have known it was a deal gone wrong.

But under the watch of the forest, it was only a scene of the circle of life. One body feeding others. The dark feathers of the carrion crows blocked out the corpse as they enjoyed their meal.


Carrion Shade is the second sac play in our team composition.



The badgers of the Splinterlands are scary enough when they’re alive. A single badger is known to take out twenty to thirty chickens in a single night’s raid. There are no chickens in Mortis, so the Undead Badgers are especially irritable.


Undead Badger is more of a hybrid, He is good for a couple of small hits on the enemy backline and as an additional sac play.



Riftwings are drawn to splinters and rifts. They feed off their energy and grow larger the closer they live to a portal. The Chaos Legion uses them as a means to locate rifts. In war, they are utilized as scouts, providing valuable information and as a way to harass/distract enemy forces, thereby slowing them down.

The sky over the battlefield was suddenly filled with an onslaught of arrows. Armored archers fired all at once, aiming for the creatures in the sky. The Riftwings of the Chaos Legion.

But as the arrows neared their targets, the Riftwings flapped their wings rapidly. A surge of wind kicked up, sending the arrows wide. Several of the weapons spun out of control, impaling the archers on the ground. Killed by their own attacks.

The screams began as the Riftwings dove down, following the path of the arrows. Descending on the corpses, it was a feast of blood and flesh.


Riftwing is the reason for all the sac plays. To make him a great secondary tank he needs more hp and the sacrifices make him a way bigger tank.



Four hundred years before the first rift opened, the first whispers of chaos brought dark beasts under a blood moon to the Tower of Azdurj. Creatures of nightmare began hunting by night, lurking the valleys and crawling on the wind.

In desperation, the acolytes of Azdurj sought forbidden tomes, long sealed beneath their tower. By the candlelight of hidden recesses within their tower's crypt, the first Necrosi were born. Forged to battle the spawn of Chaos, these bounty hunters are eager to take up the fight.

“By the light of the full moon, I first walked upon the sundered lands as a faceless brother of the Black Sign, my life as an uncloaked all but forgotten.

With glittering siphilum coursing through my veins, I saw the first shadows cast by new eyes, and my heart was full.

I had survived the transmutation and was eager to don my cloak and gauntlets, symbols of the trials I faced to take this form...and the perils of the coming Doom.”


Magi Necrosi is our main damage dealer. Him having camouflage enables the whole strategy.


Into the battle:

Battle Link

Round 1:



Decent opponent the mustang is a bit scary, but since the psychic is my first snipe target I like the lineup. Mustang missing his Round 1 attack is amazing for us. 3 less damage due to it.

Round 2:



Badger getting in a hit was a bit surprising doesn't matter unless he hit once more in the next 2 rounds.

Round 3:



Badger and Windeku missing not really what I hoped for, Windeku will die without hitting the mustang, but at least take down his hp to 6 and the Corpse Fiend gets a chance to take out 1 HP from Mustang.

Round 4:



Nice Badger and Fiend both hit. At this point, we are guaranteed to win. Mustang needs 8 rounds minimum to kill all our units but Necrosi will kill him in 6 rounds

Round 5:



Badger hit his 90% shot against Mustang reducing the rounds left by 1.

Round 6:



Will Mustang damage the Riftwing?

Round 7:



Okay, he hit.

Round 8 Result:



Final thoughts:

This is one of my favorite team compositions. Hiding Necrosi in the back and letting him slowly widdle away the health of the opponent's team and Carrion Shade is the perfect way to slow down the opponents and bolster Riftwing's HP. Especially once Carrion Shade gets flying he can slow the opposing team down even more. I wouldn't change up the team, the sacrifice combo worked way too good.

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