I tell you how I won more than 5000 dec in silver 2 and the same day I lost it.

Despierto a eso de las 9pm despues de una larga noche de mi trabajo en la lapto.

Procedo a levantarme de la cama - un largo y la vez corto silencio nubla mis sentidos,producto del cansansio - veo la lapto ya encendida ,creo que 20 dias ya que no la apago y tan solo descanza los dias en los que hay algun corte de electricidad.

proyectándose en mis ojos esa mezcla de colores de tonos grises y unos que otros naranjas y azules,es la sección de batalla de mi cuenta de splinterlands.

-Ok bryan veamos que nos saldra hoy en la mision diaria -me digo a mi mismo convenciendo a mi cerebro de que hoy sera una noche buena-.

"gana 5 partidas usando splinter de tierra" bueno hoy estara facil,seguire jugando con Mylor como ya lo venia haciendo estos dias.

Me sente en la silla deseando tener una de esas tan comodas sillas gamer,esta era de madera con un espaldar recto y duro,sin cojin o almohada que me diera un poco mas de comodidad,unos 45 minutos pasaron luego de perder unas y ganar otras partidas,me gusta disfrutar las batallas asi que no adelanto la batalla.

Ya completada la mision procedo a reclamar los dos cofres diarios por estar en plata 3,-click- el sonido del mause al reclamar la recompensa,seguido de una pantalla de carga y eureka aparecen las dos cartas frente mis ojos ya un poco decepcionado de dias anteriores donde me salian solo legendarias,pero solo pociones legendarias,con una media sonrisa por ese chiste tan bueno que lei en un grupo de telegran le doy a la primera carta pero esta vez de derecha a izquierda ya que siempre empezaba por la carta del lado derecho.

Aparece la primera carta,una gargoya lion ,una de esas de las neutrales,uhmm bueno esta mas o menos bie...no termine de pensar en aquella frace que repito siempre cuando un chillido o algo asi como cuando arrastras el metal -que es eso- dije cuando veo que la carta se torna de un color dorado.

--No puede ser,es en serio
--Dios que felicidad

Me decia estas palabras a mi mismo emocinado recordando aquella carta transformandoce,me rocorde la vez que goku se transformo en super saiyan por primera vez para derrotar a freezer,el mismo sentimiento era,aquella emocion por ver ese cambio a ese color amarillo,lo mismo senti con la carta,ya emocionado por tener mi primera carta dorada aunque sabia que solo costaba unos 3$ ,no importaba ya con eso estaba sastifecho por hoy,procedo a darle click a la otra carta y ohh dios,esa carta empezo a rugir como si fuera un animal,mi corazon acelerado de la emocion ya que talvez era algun otro efecto y me iba a caer otra carta buena,al voltear la carta,-oh dios mio si- una legendaria.

I wake up around 9pm after a long night of my work on the laptop.

I proceed to get out of bed - a long and short silence clouds my senses, product of fatigue - I see the laptop already turned on, I think 20 days since I don't turn it off and it only turns off the days when there is a power outage.

projecting in my eyes this colorful mix of gray tones and a few oranges and blues, is the battle section of my splinterlands account.

-Ok bryan let's see what will happen today in the daily mission -I say to myself convincing my brain that today will be a good night-.

"win 5 games using earth splinter" well today will be easy, I will continue playing with Mylor as I have been doing these days.

I sat in the chair wishing I had one of those comfortable gamer chairs, this one was made of wood with a straight and hard back, no cushion or pillow to give me a little more comfort, about 45 minutes passed after losing some and winning other games, I like to enjoy the battles ,so I don't fast forward them.

After completing the mission I proceed to claim the two daily chests for being in silver 3, -click- the sound of the mause when claiming the reward, followed by a loading screen and eureka the two cards appear in front of my eyes already a little disappointed from previous days where I only got legendary, but only legendary potions, with a half smile for that good joke I read in a telegram group I hit the first card but this time from right to left as I always started with the card on the right side.

The first card appears, a gargoya lion, one of those neutral ones, uhmm well it's more or less good...I didn't finish thinking about that phrase that I always repeat when a screech or something like when you drag the metal -what is that- I said when I see that the card turns golden color.

--It can't be, I'm serious
--God what a joy

I was saying these words to myself remembering that card transforming, I remember the time when goku transformed into super saiyan for the first time to defeat freezer, the same feeling was, that emotion to see that change to that yellow color, I felt the same with the card, already excited to have my first golden card although I knew it only cost about 3$, I proceeded to click on the other card and oh my god, that card started to roar like an animal, my heart was racing with excitement because maybe it was some other effect and I was going to get another good card, when I turned the card over, oh my god yes, a legendary.


No me lo podia creer,una carta dorada y una legendaria el mismo dia en la mision diaria,repetia la palabra "no puede ser" a cada momento ,aun no me creia lo que me paso,fui a ver el precio estimado de esa carta.

-25$ tu eres locoo-dije emocionado y bajando un poco la voz para asi no despertar a mi hija de 11 meses que dormía,al cabo de un rato investigando un poco me decidí a vender la carta legendaria y conservar la dorada y con eso comprar unos cuantos pack de chaos que en ese momento costaban unos 8$ en hive sin nesecidad de un voucher,me decidí a probrar suerte,sentia que hoy era mi noche,sentia que ese era mi regalo de cumpleaños,el cual ya habia sido 1 dia antes de esto.

primer pack comprado y ya en mi cuenta,algunas posiones de las misiones asi que no compre mas y arrastro el primer pack al vortice

I couldn't believe it, a gold card and a legendary card on the same day in the daily mission, I kept repeating the word "no way" at every moment, I still couldn't believe what happened to me, I went to see the estimated price of that card.

-25$ you are crazy- I said excited and lowering my voice a little so as not to wake up my 11 month old daughter who was sleeping, after a while researching a little I decided to sell the legendary card and keep the golden one and with that buy a few packs of chaos that at that time cost about 8$ in hive without the need of a voucher, I decided to try my luck, I felt that today was my night, I felt that this was my birthday present, which had already been 1 day before this.

first pack purchased and already in my account, some positions of the missions so I did not buy more and drag the first pack to the vortex.


Bien una epica,el precio rondaba unos 8$ con eso ya recupere el dinero de ese pack y me gane 4 cartas que las dejare para mi colección,vendo la carta y compro el otro pack,esta vez sin pociones,asi que me decidi a comprar solo 1 posion legendaria y 1 posiones para aumentar el chance de que salga de oro la carta,solo con eso arrastro el pack al vortice.

Well an epic, the price was around 8$ with that I already recovered the money of that pack and I won 4 cards that I will leave them for my collection, I sell the card and buy the other pack, this time without potions, so I decided to buy only 1 legendary posion and 1 posion to increase the chance that the card comes out of gold, only with that I drag the pack to the vortex.


Dios no,pura mierda en este pack,las deje todas para mi y decidi comprar otro pack con el dec restante que tenia de la venta de la carta legendaria,el mismo procedimiento,solo una pocion legendaria y una de oro,esta vez un poco mas nervioso de que no me callera nada bueno,arrastre el pack al vortice.

God no, pure crap in this pack, I left them all for myself and decided to buy another pack with the remaining dec I had from the sale of the legendary card, the same procedure, only one legendary potion and one gold, this time a little more nervous that nothing good would come of it, I dragged the pack to the vortex.


OHH Dios si ,dos invocadores y otras dos raras,este si estuvo bueno -a partir de aqui ya me alimentaba mas la codicia,pensaba que si seguia abriendo packs me iba a llenar de cartas y no iba a tener que seguir rentando cartas para subir de liga

Dicho eso,vendi los dos invocadores y compre otros packs mas,yo aun sintiendome poderoso,el mas guapo de los guapos,esta vez no compre posiones,arrastre el primer pack al vortice.

OHH God yes, two summoners and another two rares, this was a good one - from this point on I was getting greedy, I thought that if I kept opening packs I would be full of cards and I wouldn't have to keep renting cards to move up in the league.

That said, I sold the two summoners and bought other packs, I still felt powerful, the most handsome of the handsome, this time I didn't buy positions, I dragged the first pack to the vortex.


Otra legendaria y no solo eso,es de 0 mana tambien,ya a partir de este punto se me subio a la cabeza el abrir packs,y mi error a partir de este momento fue el no determe,vendi la lejendaria y compre otro pack,mismo procedimiento,sin posiones,arrastre el pack al vortice.

Another legendary and not only that, it is of 0 mana as well, and from this point I went to the head to open packs, and my mistake from this moment was not to stop, I sold the legendary and bought another pack, same procedure, no positions, I dragged the pack to the vortex.


les ahorrare unos 10 parrafos sobre lo emocionado que me sentia en ese momento,otra invocadora que me duro unos 2 minutos y ya tenia su valor en dec,otro pack comprádo y arrastrado al vortice y siguiendo el patron,sin posiones obvio.

I'll spare you about 10 paragraphs about how excited I felt at that moment, another summoner that lasted me about 2 minutes and already had its value in dec, another pack bought and dragged to the vortex and following the pattern, without obvious positions.


que mierda de pack-dije decepcionado pero aun con ganas de seguir, partir de este punto ya teniendo mas de 5mil dec en mi cuenta,que no me imagine tenerlos la primera semana que empece a jugar,seguí comprando mas packs,esta vez a causa de esa desepcion de pack compre una posion legendaria y una de oro y con eso arrastre el otro pack al vortice.

what a shit pack- I said disappointed but still wanting to continue, from this point already having more than 5mil dec in my account, that I did not imagine having them the first week I started playing, I kept buying more packs, this time because of that pack disappointment I bought a legendary position and a gold one and with that I dragged the other pack to the vortex.


Mas feliz que un niño con juguete nuevo,me sentia en el cielo,mientras iba ganando mas y mas cartas para mi cuenta,vendia la mas cara y con eso compraba otro pack,asi que segui,arrastre otro pack al vortice.

Happier than a kid with a new toy, I felt in heaven, as I was earning more and more cards for my account, I sold the most expensive one and with that I bought another pack, so I kept going, I dragged another pack to the vortex.


Asi que...asi se siente ir por la vida en modo facil -dije riendome en mi mismo,no me lo podia creer todavia la suerte que estaba teniendo,vendi la carta dorada y compre 2 packs mas y los arrastre al vortice.

So...this is what it feels like to go through life in easy mode -I said laughing to myself, I still couldn't believe my luck, I sold the gold card and bought 2 more packs and dragged them to the vortex.


A partir de aqui mi suerte se esfumo.

From this point on, my luck ran out.


ya aqui no tenia mas dinero para comprar otro pack,asi que empeze a vender las otras cartas de a 2$ y 1$ que al principio dije que iba a guardarlas,tremendo error ya estaba cometiendo.

I had no more money to buy another pack, so I started to sell the other cards at 2$ and 1$ that at the beginning I said I was going to keep them, I was already making a huge mistake.


A partir de aqui,empeze a vender las mas baratas,tentando mas mi suerte,porque yo sentia que aun me quedaba algo de esa suerte,poco a poco mi coleccion bajaba.

From this point on, I started to sell the cheapest ones, trying my luck more, because I felt that I still had some of that luck left, little by little my collection was going down.


He aqui mi ultima esperanza de recuperar lo que hace un momento tenia,no me quedo nada mas que unas simples cartas que luego vendi para comprar varias de una misma y mejorarla ya que me gusto esa carta - la Silent Sha-Vi - no solo el diseño de esa carta para mi es impresionante ,sino que tambien es buena en el combate,asi que esa fue la unica que me quede.

Here is my last hope to recover what I had a moment ago, I had nothing left but a few simple cards that I then sold to buy several of the same one and improve it because I liked that card - the Silent Sha-Vi - not only the design of that card for me is impressive, but it is also good in combat, so that was the only one I had left.


Ese dia aprendi una leccion y quizas algo que me ayudara en este juego,No vender las cartas para probrar suerte en los pack.

Gracias a todos los que me leyeron,este es mi primer post,alguna sugerencia o algun consejo para mi me lo puedes decir en los comentarios,los captures de las cartas las saque de peakmonsters ya que no les tire foto cuando abri el pack.

That day I learned a lesson and maybe something that will help me in this game, do not sell the cards to try my luck in the packs.

Thanks to all who read me, this is my first post, any suggestions or advice for me you can tell me in the comments, the captures of the cards I took from peakmonsters since I did not take a picture when I opened the pack.

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