Remember the Forgotten One

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Card Spotlight #27: Forgotten One


Once a sealed being in Crypteria, the magus released,
A forgotten being, remembering as if he's missed,
Roaming along the land, tearing everyone apart,
Immune and devoid of everything, piercing their hearts.

The card we will be discussing today is Forgotten One.
Forgotten Card.PNG

For an age the towering beast had slumbered in the bowels of the deepest caverns of fire, a weapon forged for a war lost to memory or myth.
Into an invocation drawn from a rotting manuscript the High Magus of the Crypteia poured all his malice and hate. Drawing the razored flint across his palm he sealed the pact, completing the summoning, calling forth the great flaming homunculus, the Forgotten One.
As the great beast crawled from the burning pit, the Magus bade it roam free and armed it with a broad blade twice as tall as any man. It dwells there now, birthing others of its kind and passing on the knowledge of their making, and serves at the pleasure of the Magus as a hand of Chaos.

We would rate this card based on:

  • Cost to buy/rent this card. How affordable and accessible is the card.
  • Card Stats. How balanced the card is based on its role.
  • Card Effect. How useful is its effect based on the role of the card.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses. If the card can counter other cards and/or be countered easily by others or not.
  • Positioning. Adaptability of where the card can be placed.
  • Compatibility. How useful it is on its current element.


    Rental/Buy Cost ||

    Below is the rental of the card at the time of this writing.


    For a legendary card with an amazing ability, you can rent Forgotten One for 0.40 DEC per day and I suggest you do to give you an unfair advantage on Rule Sets like Noxious Fumes.

Below is the buy cost of the card at the time of this writing.


For $2.50, it would be better to get one instead of renting one if you're planning to rank up to Silver League. Noxious Rule Set is the most tricky Rule Set among all as depending on certain factors, you can even win without attacking. Immunity is an unfair advantage on that Rule Set and should give you an auto win if your opponent doesn't have one.

Card Stats ||

Mana: 9 || Damage: 4 || Speed: 2 || Armor: 4 || Health: 8

Good health, armor damage and immunity from effects, the Forgotten One is like the dream from MMORPGS. With his blade slashing the lives of his opponents, his strong damage kills everyone in 1 to 2 hits. The leveled up abilities furthermore increases his deadliness as he pierces through the opponent's defenses.

Card Effect ||

Immunity is one of the best supportive abilities in game as it allows you to survive probably the worst Rule Sets like Noxious Fumes and poison. This is a real deal breaker on those rule sets and assures you of the highest win rate when it comes to those fights.

Retaliate.jpg Retaliate || When hit with a Melee attack, Monsters with Retaliate have a 50% chance of attacking their attacker.
Retaliate is a good ability for the Forgotten One since he has immense damage. This means whenever the Retaliate effect procts, your opponents also receives 4 damage which may be more than what he inflicted originally.

Piercing || If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health.
Piercing is deadly with the unlocked potential from Retaliate. This allows your high damage to not be wasted through opponent's armor. This ability is more advantageous as the monster it has gets higher damage.


Strengths Weaknesses ||


Positioning ||



The best position for this card is at the front if there's no target altering rule sets. In this game, I decided to use him as my main tank providing support for Serpentine Spy.


Round 1 End.jpg

By end of Round 1, opponent's Radiated Scorcher and Serpentine Spy dies. Some damage to my Forgotten One's armor was inflicted but the first attack from my Serpentine Spy certainly gave a huge advantage.


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By end of Round 2, Forgotten One's armor goes down along with Antoid Platoon's health going to 1.


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By end of Round 3, Antoid Platoon goes down making Radiated Brute the main front line. The sheer damage from my team also brings down Radiated Brute's health to 1 while my Forgotten One also goes down to same health.


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By end of Round 4, Serpentine Spy ended the game with a hit to Radiated Brute.

Compatibility ||

The best combo with this card for me is with Scavo Hireling. Using the Forgotten One as your main tank requires a proper support as the opponent's damage will not be reduced. Scavo Hireling's Repair provides that sustainability while having the fact that you don't need to rent or buy anything as you try the combos.


Before doing the final verdict, here is the sample of a battle using this card.

Forgotten Battle.gif


let me think.gif

Final Thoughts

With all the evidences that we gathered, we could say that Forgotten One should always be remembered to be put in battle. Rule Set that alters Forgotten One's targettting abilities like Super Sneak, Equal Opportunity and other same rule sets provides more option for this card as you don't need to put more cards for support. Noxious Fumes is especially hard to play at since there's no way to reduce the poison damage. With Forgotten One's Immunity, it gives you an unfair advantage since Forgotten One will be unaffected by said effect.

All in all, I would give it...


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  • Giphy for the gifs in this blog.


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