How-to Play Splinterlands- Poison Strategy

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Hello!! Welcome to How-to Play Splinterlands.

I have been wanting to write a how-to for Splinterlands, but I wasn't sure what to write about since most people know the basics, and I am not so advanced in my Splinterlands knowledge that I could dispel epic advice...

But today while farming DEC, I came across a battle that I thought would be an excellent example of how to prepare for a poison round.

Let's face it, you can't win with the same cards every round, and the results are unpredictable for each battle. But, you can prepare to win by playing the best of your cards suited for the battle requirements.

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Battle Link

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The thing about poison battles is that armor doesn't help you. The poison will hit your monsters for 2 health at the start of each round despite any extra armor.

The only chance you have of winning a poison battle is using your highest health monsters and hoping that they live through the poison strikes.

Since this battle also has weak magic, I limited my magic casters to just a heal for the tank and a silencer.

While I was searching my monsters for high health, I choose my ranged attack monsters which included a snipe and a scavenger.

I am glad I choose those cards because the opponent's summoner gives thorns. Since I only have one melee monster, I only have my tank taking thorn damage, and my healer helps by healing it every round.

My scavenger was safe because my opponent banked on the thorns and didn't include any snipe or sneak monsters.

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This battle is very fair since we both followed the same battle strategy. We both used very high health tanks to fend off both the poison and the enemy strikes. And, we both used a scavenger since logic tells us that there's going to be some deaths as a result of the poison strikes each round.

We both choose our trees since they are high health and low mana. My opponent choose speed with his ranged attack monsters, but I do believe the low health of their high speed monsters was a disadvantage.

My advantage was that I included a tank heal that helped keep my tank alive for a few more seconds. My silence didn't help me any since my opponent didn't have any spell casters to silence.

From the start I knew this was going to be a good battle since we were so closely matched in monsters, so this is why I stopped it each round to critique the outcome for you!

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This battle was a nail biter. I wasn't sure if I was going to win.

Round 3 the ranged dps was trying their hardest... but by round 5 the only survivors were the scavengers who profited health as a result of their fellow monsters deaths.

Two more rounds of poison and I prevailed as the Victor.

I couldn't believe I won!

As you can see, preparing for each round is essential to winning in ranked play. The cards you pick determine your win or loss.

In the end sometimes it comes down to plain luck! But it's not a bad idea to try and win.

For poison rounds remember:

  1. Do not depend on armor
  2. Play your highest health monsters
  3. Include a healer if you can
  4. Get a scavenger card and use it

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I hope you have learned something new about how-to play the Splinterlands. Each Splinterlands battle is unique and must be planned out meticulously in order to advance through the ranks.

As you can see other players follow the same strategies because they are winning strategies. In order to learn how-to play Splinterlands, you will need to watch the battles and learn from your mistakes.

To shorten the learning process, read more how-to posts from seasoned players who will lay out the best battle strategies like me!

Until next time,

Happy Gaming



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