Destroying Llama-Kron: SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! VENARI SPELLSMITH


Hello there!

Saydie's here again for this week's Share Your Battle Challenge with the featured card: Venari Spellsmith. It's a Neutral magic card from the Chaos Legion series which has the Dispel ability at level 1. This ability removes all the positive status effect on that enemy. Using this card only cost 4 mana so it can be used at little league and low mana matches.

Before we proceed with the battle, let us explore more about this card.


Venari Spellsmith

Venari Spellsmith.png

The Spellsmith set his jaw as the Minions of Chaos marched across the battlefield, laying waste to everything. The battle had taken its toll, but he and his comrades stood their ground, slinging spells at the advancing legion.

The mages of the Chaos Legion were masters of their art and weaved their magic like bards weaving a tale. They were battle-hardened, true, but they'd never faced the fury of a Spellsmith before.

The Chaos Legion's spells slammed into the front rank not thirty yards from the Spellsmith. He used his magic to reflect the damage back at the enemy, and many staggered and fell, smoldering. Next, he dispelled their protective magics, leaving them vulnerable to a counterattack.

A lighting bolt flashed from his fingertips, followed by a bolt of fire that ignited an advancing mage's robes. The man didn't slow. He raised his own hands, and deadly shards of ice flew at the Spellsmith and pierced his clothing and flesh.

The Spellsmith dropped to his knees, blood pooling around him. Now, the Chaos Legion mage stood over him, leering malevolently.

The Spellsmith smiled wearily and spread his arms, and his body erupted in a surge of arcane energy that tore through the mage's body, and he fell dead beside the fallen Spellsmith.Continue Reading...


EditionChaos Legion
Attack TypeMagic
AbilitiesLvl 1: Dispel, Lvl 4: Amplify, lvl 8: Redemption


Card Review

Only cost 4 manaNo armor and low HP
Magic card can attack at 1st positionmax speed is 3
Neutral card be use together with other elements
Amplify will increase thorns, return fire and magic reflect damage

As a Neutral card, Venari Spellsmith can be used on all the elements and because it is a magic card, it can deal direct damage to most of the Splinters, ignoring their armor. This card gets interesting when it reached level 4 where it will gain the Amplify ability. This ability will increase the damage that Thorns, Return Fire and Magic Reflect can inflict towards the enemy. At level 8, it gains Redemption which will inflict 1 damage to all the opponent's monsters when it dies.

Due to it's low HP, I usually place this somewhere in the middle of my line up so it can avoid being attack in front or back.


Ruleset and Opponent Lineup

As I was grinding my way back to Gold league, I've come across a 25 mana battle with Keep Your Distance ruleset where melee card cannot be used in the battle. Every element except from Dragon can be used as expected by looking on my opponents previous matches, he uses the legendary summoner Scarred Llama Mage which gives +2 health, has Clense which removes any negative status effects, and has Last Standwhich increases all the stats of a card when that is the last card in the line up. A truly terrifying summoner.

Scarred Llama Mage_lv2.png

Failed Summoner_lv5_small.png1stThe level 5 Failed Summoner has the Magic Reflect which return magic damage to his opponent.
Elven Mystic_lv4_small.png2ndElven Mystic at level 4 has the Silence that will reduce a magic damage to all the opponent.
Khmer Princess_lv4_small.png3rdLevel 4 Khmer Princess provides the Tank Heal, to heal his tank.
Kron the Undying_lv2_small.png4thThe level 2 Kron the Undying has the Heal ability and Divine Shield. With this, not only that he he will heal da damage inflicted to him, he will also not take any damage to the first attack that will hit him.

Using Kron the Undying together with Scarred Llama Mage is one of the most OP combos in Spliterlands. There are times that even if you know that it's coming, you still can't do anything about it. However, that is not the case this time.


My Team

All along, I know that my opponent will use the line up that he uses by looking at his past matches so, for my line up, I used the Death summoner, Thaddius Brood which has -1 HP and -1 Magic debuff. It is currently, the only Death summoner from the Chaos Legion an by using this summoner, I already reduce the magic damage of my opponent. Since he also might use other magic cards, my strategy here is to use Magic Reflect to return their damage to them while I attack using range monsters.

Thaddius Brood_lv4.png

Lord Arianthus_lv2.png1stI placed the level 2 Lord Arianthus as the tank. it has the Shield and Void that will reduce both the range and magic attack of my opponent. It also has the Magic reflect that will return the magic damage of the opponent.
Furious Chicken_lv1.png2ndI placed a level 1 Furious Chicken on the 2nd spot just in case my tank goes down so it can take some of my opponent's damage.
Venari Spellsmith_lv4.png3rdI placed the Venari Spellsmith at the 3rd position since this is the only magic card in my team and can still attack in the 1st position when the first two cards were down. It's Amplify will doubled the magic damage that Lord Arianthus has reflected to the opponent.
Soul Strangler_lv4.png4thThe level 4 Souls Strangler has the most damage for my team.
Haunted Spider_lv5_gold.png5thThe Poison of the level 5 Hunted Spider also helps to deal additional damage to my opponent.
Supply Runner_lv5_gold.png6thFor the last position, I place the Supply Runner at level 5 with the Swiftness ability. this will allow my entire team to have + 1 speed for as long as this card is at play.


Battle Phase

Round 1.png

The battle starts with the summoners activating their buffs and de- buffs, followed by the splinters. Because of Lord Arianthus' Void, magic attacks that is below 2 will not deal any damage to him so, the only one who can deal damage to the opponent's side is Kron the Undying who is down to 2 damage due because he was nerfed by Thaddius Brood while reflecting twice the attack back to his magic cards, dealing damage to them even if they are not in the first position. The reflected magic attack also used up the divine shield of Kron the Undying. Meanwhile, my team is effortlessly dealing damage to their tank.

Round 2.png

The same disaster occurs for round 2 that destroys 3 of his cards. By the end of round 2, only Kron the Undying is the only card that my opponent has.

Round 3.png

As round 3 starts, the magic nerfed on Kron the Undying was cleansed by by Scarred Llama Mage and doubled his HP as the last card standing but the Magic reflect, Poison and heavy damage of my range team only eats away his HP.

Round 4.png

By round 4, the opponent has only 8 HP left and his Heal does not help much as my team is dealing more damage than what he can heal. He is finally destroyed at the end of round 5.


To see how I destroy my opponent, here is the replay in Splinterlands, Youtube and 3speak


Did Your Strategy Work?

Not only that I was able to beat one of the most OP combos for Earth, the battle ended without a single card on my team that leaves the play.


Do You Like Venari Spellsmith

It's always fun to watch reflection gaming where your opponent recieves damage by just hitting you so I really like every card that has Amplify which of course includes Venari Spellsmith


What will you try differently next time?

Instead of thinking what to do next, I will show you some other battles where the use of Venari Spellsmith plays a significant role on winning the battle.

Battle 1

magic reflect.png

This is another Magic reflect battle with 22 mana cap and Fog of War rule set where Sneak and Snipe abilities are disabled. I use Life element this time with a hybrid of range, magic and melee against the opponent's Earth magic team. I again use Lord Arianthus as a tank and Venari Spellsmith to boost his abilities then my opponent self- destroyed itself as they attack my card.

Battle 2


The next battle is a 36 mana cap with Super Sneak and Healed Out rule set where melee monsters will attack the last position monster and cards with healing abilities cannot use them. For this, my opponent chooses to use a full melee team. I on the other hand, places a level 5 Spineback Turtle that has decent HP and armor for only 4 mana. it has the Thorns ability where the melee monsters that attacks this card will receive 2 damage and with the Amplify of Venari Spellsmith, it becomes 3, hurting the opponent while I deal my damage in the front with my magic and range cards.


And that's the end for this week's battle challenge. You can click on the battle you want to watch a recap of thier battle at Splinterlands. Do you find my strategy helpful? Do you have better strategies or new strategies to suggest? Or you simply enjoyed this post? If that so, Feel free to leave comments on this post or on my Youtube video.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands. Also shout out to @psychkrhoz for supporting me to make good contents and to @splintercell-01 for editing those cool Neutral text divider that I use.

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