Share your Battle Challenge with 3X GIVEAWAY! Djinn Apprentice.

Battle Share - Djinn Apprentice.gif

The monster of this week's Share Your Battle Challenge is Djinn Apprentice.๐ŸŽด

We'll talk about the card and its price, the lineup used at the battle, and at the end of the post we'll have a GIVEAWAY of 3x Venari Heatsmith. ๐Ÿ˜




When someone hears Djinn they immediately thing about the blue one from Aladdin, but do you know where this myth started, and what is really a djinn?

Differently from the Disney animation, the Djinns can be good or bad, some stories describe them as beings made of "fire, without fire", and this definition could be used to represent the Djinn Apprentice as he is from the Fire Element and don't have smoke in the card art. They bi-dimension beings that lives both in the spiritual and the human world.

As with most of the myths it is not possible to be precise with the origin of the Djinn. History tells that this spirits inspered the introduction of Islam at the arab world before VII. However, even if they are mentioned at Quran (Islan's sacret book) they are not liked by the islam faith.

For the archeologits that deals with old Middle East culture, any mitologic spirit that is less than a god is frequently called a genie. Still over time they were called by other names like: demons, spirits, ghouls ...

Source: 1 2



The Djinn Apprentice is a rare 5 mana cost monster from the Chaos Legion edition, you can get one from the market or through chaos packs. At level 1 he has 2 magic damage which can be powerful when used against tanks with high shield and low health. This card is mainly used in fire decks in the third position, but it can be used with alongside other fire mages with Delwin Dragonscale at high mana battles.

I particularly don't like that his only ability is available at level 6 and even more its condition. His ability DEATHBLOW deals 2x the damage, but only if the enemy monster is the last of its team, so it'll not always active making it less useful.

In my case the best level would be 4, because it receives +1 magic damage which helps to decrease the enemy's tank health faster, leading to attack the weaker cards faster too. You can use him at level 3 to be more tanky if that's what you're aiming for...



Slowly, but steadily the number of chaos packs sold are going up, but we got a news from this post that the splinterlands team is open to burn the remaining Chaos Legion packs at some point. That's even more realistic if you see the CL cards price that are almost the same as the rewards and also the pack price, that at the hive-engine is half what they are asking at the splinterlands website and the only difference is the airdrop point, that for low cash player like myself don't matter, because buying a small quantity would have a little chance of getting an airdrop card.

Also, it is good to remember that the quantity of CL packs is 10x the untamed one, and for the untamed series to sell out it took a good amount of time. While the untamed sold more, the cards are not being sold at the market like the untamed ones. That's because there is more cards, but the number of players are not higher in proportion to it.

So what happens when you have a supply higher than demand? Your right! The prices go down until it balances again.


With all this in mind, if team burns a good ammount of packs and lets time do its job, with new players and old players combining cards, the price of 1x BCX of CL cards will go up, just like happened with all past editions. In my opinion this time they set a number bigger than what it should've been, but everyone makes a mistake, what cannot happen it making it again and not fix the old ones. However that seems not to be the case, because in on hand the team considers a burn on the other they do huge WHALE deals like the Limited Time Offer deal of the Tower Defense, that when you acquire 24k TD packs your get 3,6k chaos legion packs, that in my opinion is the team just wanting to drop more packs to the market, making the circulating supply even larger.๐Ÿ˜•


As we talked about the number of CL packs, you can see that the number of Djinn Apprentice (normal foil) is almost 100.000 while the number of active player of today (13/10) is close to 180.000. Considering the number of packs available we could add +50.0000 and if we add the huge amount of packs that are still closed this number is bigger than the player base. As a result of this, if you want to buy it, the regular foil bcx is going for $0.11 and the gold foil is currently $1.54. However, if you want to just rent it to play your ranked games you can find it for very cheap, just 0.1 DEC.

Gold Foil
Regular Foil

If you have a Djinn Apprentice or any other card and want to rent them automatically, you can use SPLEX Rent Golem service, that manages your cards rentals to give you the best return on your assets (RoA)! ๐Ÿค‘


Djinn Apprentices prefer to study under more powerful djinn to hone their magic. While not as strong or cunning as others of their kin, they are just as dangerous to untrained warriors. When the Chaos Legion arrived, it had a diverse effect on the djinn. Not a unified race by any means, some chose to align with the Chaos Legion, some chose to defend against it, and others chose to go their own path and leave it all behind. Djinn Apprentices chose to align themselves with Djinn Inferni, believing in his mission and his vision.

Check more here: LORE


โš”๏ธ THE LINEUP โš”๏ธ

Summoner: Delwyn Dragonscale

Delwyn Dragonscale is a 5 mana Promo card summoner that gives +1 magic damage to all ally monsters. With it at the field Void Dragon, Djinn Apprentice, Flame Imp and Serpentine Mystic were able to deal an additional +4 magic damage against the enemy in each round, which made a huge difference because the enemy did not have a tank with void.

1ยบ Void Dragon (TANK)

The capable Void Dragon was chosen as the lineup's tank. With 5 speed and its flying ability enemys that mainly use low speed melee/ranged monster will have a hard time landing a hit on it. The 7 health is enough to deal with the magic damage too because it has VOID. This ability reduces in half the magic damage from the enemy monsters. So it is a nice tank for when you are against both melee/ranged or magic teams.

2ยบ Djinn Apprentice (DPS/Off-Tank)

In the second position of the lineup Djinn Apprentice is responsible to deal damage (3) and also as it has decent HP at bronze level it is also an off-tank in case Void Dragon goes down, which did not happened in this battle.

3ยบ Flame Imp (DPS)

At the third position we have Flame Imp one of the team's DPS. Originally it only have 1 magic damage, but with summoner's +1 buff it now deals 2 magic damage on each round. Also with is 3 speed + flying ability even if the enemy deals with Serpentine Mystic it could dodge some attacks. All this for just 3 mana.

4ยบ Serpentine Mystic (DPS/Support)

The choice of Serpentine Mystic at the last position was to protect the Flame Imp from sneak attacks. Also it is responsible to stop the enemy heal with its the Affliction ability and to deal 2 magic damage per round.





At the first round we dealt 9 damage at teh enemy tank and almost defeated Shieldbearer, it just needes more 2 damage, but he survived and Venari Crystalsmith healed him. At the end a good hit from Serpentine Mystic actived its ability stopping the Shieldbearer to receive any heal.

On the other hand the enemy just barely survived and landed low damage as it was focused on defense healing and reparing the tank.



At the 2ยบ round we defeated 3 monsters, almost the entire enemy team. First Void Dragon and Flame Imp attacked the Shieldbearer, then Djinn Apprentice finished Scavo Hireling , and finally serpentine msytic attacked the Harpy.



At the third and final round Void Dragon attacked Venari Crystalsmith with 2 magic damage followed by Flame Imp with the same amount which resulted in the defeat of the monsters and the enemy team.


At this battle the enemy team would win if the damage from our team were not enough, but as expected the buffed magic damage from Delwyn's +1 was enough to deal with the enemy tank before he healed. The Serpentine Mystic was also a good choice protecting the backline and cutting the heal from the tank. One thing that I would've done different is to use the 0 mana cards chicken and Fiend at the back to give the Serpentine more attack time if the enemey's lineup were sneak based.

Now about the Djinn Apprentice I really liked how well it went with dragon summoner Delwyn, it worked mainly as a DPS but it could've received some hits without goind down if needed. I already have it, and I use it with the Fire team when there is 5 mana left to use, because his base stats are good at Bronze Level.

If you wanna see the full-battle check: ๐Ÿ‘‰HERE๐Ÿ‘ˆ



As the theme of this Battle Challenge was Djinn Apprentice, a fire mage card, then the giveaway will be 3x Fire Cards, which will be:

1x Venari Heatsmith
1x Venari Heatsmith
1x Venari Heatsmith


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  4. Your reputation level needs to be 25 or higher, and you can only participate with one account.
  5. The winners will be drawn with the Filoz Picker, and the prizes will be sent at this post payout.


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Thank you for reading! Good luck with the giveaway๐Ÿ€ See you all at the next post ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹

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