EOS Rewards #1

So this would be the first round of EOS Rewards ever since the updates. Just like everyone, I am itching the entire 2 weeks and have been waiting for this moment! Felt like a 3 year old during Christmas! Haha.

So now, I was able to rake a total of 55 chest! Whoots! And for what I got, lets see....

Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 11.37.53 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 11.38.20 PM.png


Total Chest - 55
Golden - 0
Legendary - 0
Epic - 1
Rare - 2
Common - 15
Potions - 19
DEC - 394

Well, the rewards weren't as fantastic as I thought. Being in the Silver Tier, I thought that my luck might be a tat better than those in the Bronze but it doesn't seem that way. Most of the 55 chest were DEC, with each not exceeding 50. I did get myself a new Epic which I have yet to see before though! Looks really cool in my opinion, and was really happy when that happen.

So now, that being the case, I am still thrilled and optimistic! This is the first time I was able to open 55 chest at one go. As I am at Silver 2, the past system would reward me 15 chests for EOS. So this 55 chest that I opened today, it would have been approximately 3-4 seasons, meaning approximately 2 months! So 2 months worth of chest in 0.5 months, I think thats great!

So I think I shall describe this feeling as dark chocolate? Haha. Bitter Sweet. Bitter as my rewards seems pretty disappointing this time round. Sweet because I managed to open SO MANY CHESTS!

In conclusion, I am still pretty happy! Lets see, one more season and lets see what would the rewards be!

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Thank you so much
(Photos and gif I used in this post are taken from splinterlands.com for this post purpose only)

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