Winner For #3 Ramadhanight's Special Giveaway and Start of the #4 Giveaway


Ramadhan Kareem for Everyone !
The Ramadhanight's Special Giveaway come again, with the #3 Scavo Hireling Winner and start of the #4 Giveaway


#2 Giveaway Winner

For #1 Giveaway, we got 33 participants :

After i use the lucky spinner, we got @davideownzall as the Winner ! Congratulations

#3 Winner davideownzall.jpg



#4 Rewards

For the #4 Giveaway, we got Gargoya Devil as the Reward !


This giveaway are have many series, reward on each series are show on below.

Reward List (2).jpg



The rules are simple as shown below :
1. Put a 💬 comment on this post that you're join the giveaway and don't forget to put your Splinterlands IGN as well ! ;
2. For every participating on each 1-5 series of the Giveaway will get you a Regular Ticket for the Special Prize CL Pack ;
3. A reblog for the post of giveaway series 1-3 will give you a Golden Ticket for the Special Prize CL Pack (Just 1 reblog is needed to let people know this giveaway and could participating on at least 3 last series. I don't want to spam your profile with my Giveaway, but if you want to reblog every on it, i will be grateful).
4. For the special prize (CL Pack), you need at least 3 regular ticket and 1 gold ticket, which mean you need to participating on at least 3 giveaway series from #1 to #5 and give a reblog on at least 1 giveaway post from #1 to #3. The winner for the special prize will be at the same time with the #5 winner announcement.
5. The limit of participating is around 2 days (following the countdown). Don't miss it! get in as quick as you can.
6. This Giveaway is only for active user and not for bot. Those who have at least 1 post on their hive that could win the giveaway (reblog not counted, you need to post your own writing). If you haven't post anything, make an introduction post, it's easy! (scroll on my profile if you need an inspiration). The lucky wheel will be restarted once i found the Winner is having 0 post.
7. In case you're affraid of miss this giveaway and want notification, just say #TagMeIn and i will Tag you on next post. If you want to stop the notification, just say #TagMeOut
8. Upvotes and Tips are NOT required, but are greatly appreciated as this will allow me to do more giveaways with better reward.


Final Words

Congratulations @davideownzall for winning the #3 Giveaway. Your reward is already sent

#3 Reward Sent.jpg

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope my explanation is clear enough for anyone who want to participating on this Giveaway. If you enjoy this post, feel free to follow me for next great things. If you haven't play #Splinterland, you can start join this #Play2Earn game using my referral link below to get a 60 Dec Bonus and A simple guide to start gain earn from this game with those DEC. (Just Dm me 😉 ).

my referral link

Taglist : @amaillo @deathstarer7 @gessy @haizelanne @henruc @maurye23 @spicywing @xheadhunterz

@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakd for the very useful blog and community platform
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Mr. Flauwy for the cool dividers
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
all curators for their upvotes!
@arcange @marianaemilia , @archange , @fengchao for keep supporting my post
@oadissin for reblogging my post

Photopea for the free photoshop

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