Splinterlands Art Contest Submission - Week 174 - Amvanthi - Goblin Knifer

fire.png sp.pngfire.png

Amvanthi is a fire goblin princess. She is a bad ass goblin born from the depths of the hottest fire of the Splinterlands volcano. Don’t be fooled by her sultry smile or voluptuous figure. She is only after one thing, your blood! And maybe all of your gold. Obviously her ability is sneak. Her opponents won’t know what happened until they have already been stabbed with her jagged blade!

I don’t quite know how to use photoshop, so I just created her the old fashioned way, with pencil and paper. And honestly, my kids are home from school for a snow day, so arts and crafts are always a fun family activity!


Initially, I wanted her to have an evil look, more animal like. I visualized that when Amvanthi attacks she takes a bite out of her enemies neck, and leaves with flesh and bone dripping from her mouth. But that seemed too zombie like for me. And well, she isn't a zombie, she's a goblin.


But then I decided to make her more human like with a sexier smile.


Then it was just a matter of lightly filling in her features, a little blending.


A little more color, but not taking it too far...

And that’s all I have for the day. What do you think? If her speed was 4, attack 3, no armor and sneak? Amvanthi would be too hot to handle.


I know it is rough, and I am not going into detail with the actual card part. I just wanted ya'll to feel her essence. Stay tuned for future additions, this was kind of fun.


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