~ 😘 Hi Hi Splinterlands Lovers 😘 ~

Welcome back to my blog, @queen-silvia, In this Social Media Challenge, I am going to share my biggest achievement in Splinterlands tournament. On September 5, 2022, I have finished as a runner-up in The Musdim's Missions on Immersys Modern Tourney. Hosted by @musdim. The goal of this tournament is to promote the FATE token as well as some NFT such as Energy NFT, Iron Ore NFT, and Trout NFT. all of these NFTs are able to be played in the Immersys metaverse. Here is a snapshot of the Immersys game :


Looks neat and real, doesn't? but... we are not going to discuss about Immersys metaverse, This blog will mainly talked about the Tournament review, Tips and tricks so all of us can have more better strategy in every Splinterlands match.

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This article will explain about some of the following topics :

  • Tourney Overview πŸ—‘
  • Road to Runner-up 🌌
  • Final Result βš”οΈ
  • Announcement of the Giveaway #23 winner 😍
  • Giveaway #25 πŸ€‘




Alright, The tourney has bronze league level cap which no legendary summoners allowed so players can only used common until epic summoners type and the maximum level of monsters who are able to be used are 3 for common, 2 for rare and epic, and 1 for legendary monsters. I like this tourney because we can fill the match whenever we have free time as it's an anytime tourney within the range of 24 hours. The winner will get 5000 Fate token, runner up and the third winner will get 2500 Fate token and the 4th until 20th will receive NFTs which can be played in Immersys metaverse.

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The cards edition allowed for the tourney is modern so all alpha, beta and promo cards which has alpha and beta frame would not be able to be used. This will give new players higher chance to win the tourney as most of them could not afford old cards (which is costly at the moment). Besides, they are more familiar with modern cards as they used it for daily grinding.




The tourney was being conducted for 1 round only and it's consisted of 10 matches. Some players I have fought against are active tourney players such as @skarsha, @smartstart, @monstertamer, @coldaz, and @hiken91. Unfortunately, I've lost against @kosar1 and @tavoeckxv3. As our lesson learned, I'll put 2 matches (in review) where they have defeated me. Alright, let's go for the first match :

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1st match : Queen Silvia vs Kosar1

Check out the battle link HERE


This is my first lose in the tourney. The ruleset was noxious fumes and I have put Legionnaire Alvar who has high health point and void armor along with herbalist to cleanse the poison effect so Alvar would not receive 2 damage in each round. Unfortunately, Kosar1 put Harklaw who has shield ability. All of my monsters who have 1 physical attack has no effect to his health point. I should have put Spirit Hoarder instead of Time mage and Thunderbird, as Spirit Hoarder has triage ability to heal himself every round.

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2nd match : Queen Silvia vs Tavoeckxv3

Check out the battle link HERE


Well, my biggest mistake here is choosing Xenith Monk and Cornealus rather than Kron The Undying. If we are comparing those monsters, Kron The Undying with Obsidian has more endurance than Xenith Monk and Cornealus in the Noxious Fumes ruleset. Besides, the 4 magic attack can kill Xenith Monk easily and drag Cornealus in the first position and remove his attack ability as the monster is belong to ranged attack monster. I am totally forget to use Kron but yeah, this will be good experience for the future battle.




Here is the final result, Splinterlands-RU became a champion with 8 win, 1 draw and 1 lose. He deserved to get 5000 FATE token. Queen-Silvia (me) and @gentlebarbarian finished at runner-up and third place respectively. We have the same points with 8 wins and 2 lose but Queen Silvia finished higher because she has higher Tie breaker (220) than Gentlebarbarian (176). At the forth and fifth, we have @davethegreat and @monstertamer who won 1 energy NFT token which can be played in Immersys metaverse. Congratulations for all the winners.




Alright guys, now it's time for giveaway. We have 11 participants for the Giveaway #23. I'd like to say Thank you very much for visiting my blog and joined the giveaway. Here are the list of participants :

@eijibr, @qoogohome, @amaari, @nietokilll, @cryptoph0823, @henruc, @gregory-f, @relf87, @engilhramn, @noctury, @pero82.

I hope I don't miss out any names there. Regardless you win or not, I hope you guys keep supporting me by participating in my upcoming giveaways because sharing to the community is fun.
Here is the snapshot of the winner :


Congratulations to @noctury for winning Twilight Basilisk. This card has reach and Stun abilities at maximum level which are very powerful in the battle.

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1 BCX of Twilight Basilisk has been sent to IGN : @noctury, enjoy and take care of that Twilight BasiliskπŸ‘. For other participants who didn't win, you can try your luck taking a part in the next giveaway below (Giveaway #25).

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- GIVEAWAY #25 -

Alright, in the previous post we had some rare cards for the giveaways. In this giveaway post, there will be 3 rare cards that you could possibly win, All of them are Venaries, Here are the cards :
Exploding Rats
Twilight Basilisk
Gargoya Devil

I will use Wheel of Names for the drawing and the name picked out will be given any card you want on the comment section.

How to participate :
  1. Please put any card you want (1 card) and your IGN (In-Game Name).
  2. If you feel like the post is useful feel free to follow me for more battle tips and tricks and 2 weekly giveaways continuously. I'll make sure we will be good friends :)
  3. Upvote is not a requirement but it will be greatly appreciated to increase the quality and the quantity of the next giveaway.
  4. Only 1 person could win once a week.

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Notes :
  1. The cut off time is the pay-out of this post. I will put a comment "TIME'S UP" when the time is up.
  2. The winner will be announced in the next giveaways.
  3. If you want to give feedback or critics, feel free to leave any comments. As long they are constructive and not offensive, they will be appreciated.
  4. Started from now, I will tag all of the participants who have joined (in the previous giveaway) in case you want to join the giveaway again, if you want me to stop tagging your IGN, feel free to comment STOP in the comment section.
  5. Every time I posted blogs whether Art Challenge, Battle Challenge or Social Media Challenge, there will be 1 card (rare card) will be rewarded for the giveaway winner.


If you haven't got any Splinterlands account, you can get it here

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Alright, that's the end of this article guys, Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in the next article and giveaway. Take care~


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